We’ve all been in that situation. We know it’s time to study. It’s marked on our calendar, we KNOW that the test is coming up, and we’re not prepared. But when that hour actually rolls around, the thought of doing anything that requires brainpower seems impossible.
So we put it off to tomorrow when we’ll have “more energy.” But then we binge a few too many episodes of our favorite show before bed, or we go a little harder than usual at the gym that morning. Before you know it, you’re sitting there staring at a closed textbook, somehow MORE tired than the day before, if that’s possible.
Luckily, there are ways to escape this time loop of being unproductive. Allow me to walk you through all of our best "emergency" tips for waking up and getting quality studying done, even if you feel tired.
BEFORE we start, I'd like to emphasize something: these tips are intended to motivate you through fatigue... but healthy (and sufficient) sleep is obviously the most important goal here! So start there. If, however, you're in an energy slump, these tips will definitely help.
That said, here's how to stay awake to study...
1. Trick Yourself into Studying Actively
There’s a reason why you find yourself too tired to study often, while it’s much rarer that you’ll be “too tired” to boot up your PS5 or watch a movie. This is because studying is often considered to be what behavioral scientists call “boring.” We’ll be the first to admit most textbooks aren’t exactly page-turners, but the WAY you’re studying can also affect how compelling and interesting it feels to you.
So try this hack: When you actually do have some energy, spend time preparing your study materials into an easier format for the later times when you won't have as much energy. That way, even if you are tired later, studying won't feel like such a schlep (and you can maybe even commit the mortal sin of studying while watching TV).
One great way to do this is to find or make flashcards using an app like Brainscape. (Or let its AI tools transform your notes into flashcards within minutes!) This way, you are chopping your content into bite-sized chunks that you can study later when you have the energy.
Digital flashcards will:
- Keep you more engaged by "gamifying" your studies.
- Enable shorter study sessions (e.g. on the bus, on the porcelain throne, or during a commercial break).
- Double your learning effectiveness versus the typical process of just re-reading chapters and notes (which is actually one of the biggest study mistakes you can make).
Think of it as a simple way to turn studying into something with constant mental reward and dopamine hits, instead of a constant slog with no end in sight.
Implementing useful and interesting study methods can serve to make it more engaging, and dare we say, even fun? Imagine one of those small basketball hoops you can buy for a trashcan, but instead of tossing balled up papers into a waste bin, you’re tucking away nuggets of needed information into your brain.
2. Exercise Your Body to Jumpstart Your Brain
Now, this may sound a little counterintuitive. Working out when you’re already tired is going to give you MORE energy? Don’t worry, we’re not reading a chart upside down over here. We also aren’t telling you to go try to break your bench press record or finally break a 7-minute mile. Studies show that brief, light physical activity increases alertness.
Why? When you push your body with exercise, it sends oxygen and nutrients to your heart and lungs, improving the efficiency of your cardiovascular system. Most of us wake up locked in first gear. Even just some light calisthenics or yoga poses can help you shift your body up a gear.
In fact, a 2019 study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that even quick morning exercise improved attention span, visual learning, and decision-making of the subjects involved. Knowing that, why should you limit yourself to operating at a lower capacity?
This extends beyond just jumping jacks. There are lots of things you can do to take care of your body that will benefit your mind. That’s where your brain lives, after all. Make sure it’s a nice place. Here are some other quick tips to boost your energy naturally:
- Practice good posture and high-power poses. Good posture won’t only save you back and shoulder pain, but research has found that posture can actually affect hormone levels inside your body, specifically the production of testosterone versus cortisol (a.k.a. the stress hormone.) As for high-power poses, though it may sound like something from a Dragon Ball Z episode, these poses are a real thing that again, have been shown to encourage more confident and dominant behavior subconsciously.
For a deep dive into how posture can affect your brain, check out this fantastic TED talk by Amy Cuddy.
- On the topic of posture, standing up or moving around can help you stay active and focused instead of slipping closer to nap time in that cushy office chair.
- Make sure you’re drinking enough water! It can be easy to forget but the symptoms of even mild dehydration include things like the inability to focus on tasks, tiredness, and lethargy… which is a pretty devastating trio to try to study through. You’ve heard it a lot, and it’s not for no reason: try to drink 6 to 8 cups of water throughout the day. Chugging a full Nalgene at 7 pm because you forgot to drink water earlier in the day isn’t what we mean, either. There are even helpful phone apps to track your water intake! Importantly, coffee is different from water...
3. Drink Coffee the Right Way
You’re probably drinking coffee wrong.
If you’re reading an article on how to stop being tired, odds are you’ve got a mug of coffee, a frappuccino, or a Red Bull beside you right now. Maybe you even go the hardcore long-haul trucker route with caffeine pills.
And none of this is surprising. America, especially, is a coffee culture. Tell someone from Boston you hate Dunkin’ Donuts if you need any more proof. However, this has developed and dovetailed with another tenet of American culture: bigger is better. The result is that it’s not uncommon to see someone who starts every day with a 24 oz cold brew … and ends it with another.
Caffeine is often treated as a panacea to any and all tired feelings, but like any other chemical, it has upsides, downsides, and specific use cases. So before you slam another iced latte, here are a couple of things you may not know about caffeine and how it ideally SHOULD be consumed.
This one may surprise you: the best time to drink coffee is NOT first thing in the morning. This is because your body is naturally making cortisol as part of its boot-up process each morning, and stacking the cortisol that caffeine can cause your body to produce can just make you crash harder when you run out. Save your first dose of the day for after you’ve been up for a half-hour to an hour when your cortisol is starting to drop anyway.
This interaction between caffeine and cortisol levels is the basis of much of where you can go wrong with caffeine. Cortisol is referred to as the “stress hormone,” but this occurs when you have TOO MUCH of it. Ideally, you want to keep your cortisol levels consistent and controlled in order to maintain your energy without rocketing yourself into anxiety attack levels. Caffeine sticks around much longer than you’d think! For some people, caffeine can stay in their system for 6 to 12 hours.
You can see where this strategy butts heads with the common practice of a massive coffee in the morning. In fact, the best way to drink coffee, backed up by a 2004 study published in Sleep, the best way to keep yourself alert is small, frequent doses of caffeine: around 25 mg every hour. Which, for reference, is about a quarter of a standard cup of coffee. As for those Starbucks Ventis? They clock in at 415 mg of caffeine, a dose that’s less likely to help you focus than to give you heart palpitations.
Caffeine reaches its peak levels in the bloodstream in 30 to 60 minutes and can stick around for 3-5 hours before you start feeling the crash. So use this knowledge to plan out your caffeine consumption to be a marathon, not a sprint. You’ll be better off with a couple of small cups as you go about your day instead of a caffeinated monolith at sunrise that you spend the next 18 hours coming down from. If you simply must be knocking back hot liquids all day to feel productive, you could also consider working something like Earl Grey tea (at half the caffeine of coffee) for those afternoon lulls.
A Final Note on How to Study When You Feel Tired
Now, you should not only have a better general knowledge of HOW your body handles fatigue, and WHY you feel tired but also HOW to stay awake to study and be better able to effectively combat that feeling. Next time your eyelids start to droop, ask yourself these quick questions and swat those Z’s out of the air before they ever appear:
- Am I stimulating my brain or just going through the motions? What can I do that might be more interesting while achieving the same study goals?
- Have I done any physical activity today? If not, maybe it’s time to get the blood flowing with a quick, light exercise break.
- Do I feel dehydrated? When did I last drink water?
- If I’m drinking caffeine, am I drinking it in the most helpful way?
Hopefully, once you’ve made it down that checklist, you might be able to isolate just WHY you feel so tired at the moment and what you can do to reset your energy levels.
Of course, in the long term, it's best to get enough sleep so make that a priority!
And if you feel you're going to fall asleep in 5 minutes, remember that still leaves you 4 minutes to squeeze in some memory gains on Brainscape!
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