microbiology & immunity

This class was created by Brainscape user kanetta kirubakaran. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

4- Viral Pathogens I
Define a virus,
Compare a virus to a bacteria prions,
Describe how viruses are obligate...
7  cards
2- Bacterial Pathogens I
Define a pathogen,
Define pathogenicity,
Define virulence
40  cards
2- C. difficile infection
Describe the microbiology of the ...,
List the three risk factors for d...,
How do antibiotics contribute to ...
14  cards
2- Verocytotoxin/ Shiga E. coli disease
What is the most common strain of...,
How is e coli o157 h7 identified ...,
What are the main routes of trans...
15  cards
3- Bacterial Pathogens II
What is an endotoxin,
What is the structure of lipopoly...,
Describe the lipid a component of...
30  cards
8- Mechanisms of Viral Infection and Pathogenesis
Name the three patterns of viral ...,
Describe the pattern of acute inf...,
Example of an acute infection
34  cards
9- Diagnosis of Viral Infections (EM)
Q why isn t it always possible to...,
Q rapid diagnosis of viral infect...,
What are the implications on publ...
17  cards
9- Diagnosis of Viral Infections (Antigen Detection)
What is antigen detection in the ...,
List the ideal types of patients ...,
What are the advantages of antige...
10  cards
13- Antibiotics
What is an antimicrobial,
What is an antibiotic,
Describe the production of antibi...
4  cards
15- Molecular & Genomic Epidemiology of Infections
What is molecular epidemiology wh...,
What are the three key aspects of...,
What is epidemiological surveilla...
6  cards
28 - Immunodeficiency: Introduction
Describe the classifications of,
Describe the general clinical fea...
9  cards
28 - Immunodeficiency: Adaptive Immune Deficiencies
What is xia,
What causes xia what effect does ...,
Clincial consequences of xia
15  cards
22 - Hypersensitive Reactions
What are the 4 types of hypersens...,
Examples of type 1 hypersensitivity,
Examples of type 2 hypersensitivity
9  cards

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microbiology & immunity

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