modern studies nat 5 sqa

This class was created by Brainscape user Sophie .. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Nature of crime
Catigories of crimecrimes of dish...,
Catogories of crimenon sexiual vi...,
Types of crimemurder
9  cards
causes of crime
Why some groups are more likley t...,
Why some groups are more likely t...,
Why some groups are more likely t...
12  cards
consquences of crime
Consquences on perpretatorlose co...,
Consquence on perpretratorstruggl...,
Consquence on victominjuary
12  cards
criminal justice system
Structre and powers of criminal c...,
Structure and powers of criminal ...,
Role of criminal courtsdetermin g...
14  cards
responces to crime
Goverment responces to crimefund ...,
Goverment responces to crimelaws ...,
Role of the policeprotect
25  cards
Power and decision making (democracy in scotland)
democracy in scotland
14  cards
participation (democarcy in scotland)
Rights and responciblitys of citi...,
Rights and responsbilitys of citi...,
Ways citizens can participatestan...
26  cards
influance (democarcy in scotland)
Role purpose aims of mediaimforn ...,
Role purpose aims of mediainfluan...,
Methods used by the media to infl...
16  cards
representation (democracy in scotland)
Work of msps in a constituanceyvi...,
Work of msps in a constituanceyat...,
Work of msp in parlimenttake part...
14  cards
voting systems (democracy in scotland)
Key features of amsvoter gets 2 v...,
Key features of ams2 types of msps,
Outcomes of amsminority goverment...
10  cards
political systems (word powers USA)
Key political featureslegislator ...,
Key political featureslegislator ...,
Ways citizens can participatevoti...
4  cards
influance on other countries (world powers USA)
0  cards
social and economic issues & goverment responce to social and economic issues (world powers USA)
0  cards

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modern studies nat 5 sqa

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