Comparing Spaced Repetition Algorithms Learn the technical nuts and bolts behind four popular spaced repetition algorithms and which would work best for you.
Small life-changing habits that take ZERO time Suit up with this constellation of small daily habits that take absolutely no extra time and yet can have profound effects on your body and mind!
Forget Pop Quizzes: Try Pop Cumulative Exams (Really!) In this guide, we explain how teachers can get their students to learn as they progress, using pop quizzes, as opposed to cramming it all before a known test date.
How we learn: the secret to all learning & human development In this guide, we explore how spaced repetition is the key to how we learn and to all human development, including academic, mental, and biological.
Key Tips for Starting & Growing an eLearning Business A comprehensive guide to creating a successful independent eLearning business, from determining your audience to choosing the right platform.
The secret to learning more while studying less: adaptive learning Become more efficient with your study time: use adaptive learning techniques. These tips will help you learn more while studying less.
The Learning Styles Myth: Why Learning Styles May Not Matter Do people really learn in different ways? Turns out it's not that simple. Here's the case against the importance of auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning styles.
How to Use Video to Teach Students Effectively In the last 30 years, learning by video has become one of the fastest growing fields in education. What are the pros and cons of video learning?
8 Critical Excel shortcuts that also on work on Google sheets We've compiled a list of essential Excel and Google spreadsheet keyboard shortcuts. Have fun increasing your productivity!
How Brainscape was born Would you believe that Brainscape started out as an excel sheet? Our Founder and CEO, Andrew Cohen, shares the incredible story of Brainscape.
12 Gmail keyboard shortcuts you should be using Did you know you could be using Gmail about 5x more efficiently by making use of their copious Keyboard Shortcuts? Have fun becoming a more productive emailer!
How keyboard shortcuts could revive America’s economy Brainscape Founder and CEO Andrew Cohen wants to add to your productivity. Learn how keyboard shortcuts to improve productivity on the computer.
How to learn keyboard shortcuts (and why they matter) Save time with the Brainscape app to help memorize keyboard shortcuts. It's the best way to master the keys and boost productivity.
How to host the perfect “flavor tripping” party Flavor tripping is when you consume a berry known as miracle fruit. It happens to makes bitter and sour foods taste delicious. Here's all you need to know!
How Brainscape facilitates the flipped classroom approach Brainscape allows students to collaboratively create study materials that can be later studied outside the classroom. It bridges the gap between constructivism and behaviorism.
The Benefits of Student Self-Assessment Applying self-assessment practices will consistently improve your performance on subsequent tests of your knowledge. This is why.
How to Really Teach Leadership in a Classroom It's great that educators are trying to teach leadership in the classroom. But true leadership can only be learned by actually leading something.
Do "Drill and Practice" Instructional Strategies Work in Education? "Drill & practice" does not have to be a dirty phrase in education. It's up to educators to properly balance constructivism vs. behaviorism.
Does learning by repetition work? Repetition is the mother of all learning. Here's why and how you can use it to double your learning speed.
Can you learn while sleeping? The relationship between studying and sleep When it comes to learning and memory, sleeping is actually one of the most important things you can do. Here's why.
Do Mnemonics and Other Memorization Techniques Really Work? Learning large amounts of new information can be easier if you use mnemonics for memorization. But be careful you're not wasting your time!
How long-term memory retention works It takes a moment to forget a fact, but lots of hard work to remember it. We have a solution. Here's the fastest way to improve your long-term retention.
Why Multiple-Choice Self-Tests Are Ineffective for Studying The U.S. Department of Education strongly recommends using active approaches to teaching in order to "promote learning and help students remember things longer".
Remote Teaching Strategies for Educators The best ways to incorporate Brainscape's adaptive flashcards into your remote teaching strategies to help students learn even more effectively than in the classroom.
Why Online Flashcards are the Future of Studying. Really! Online flashcards allow us to accomplish so much more than the dreaded paper flashcard ever has. Find out why they're your best study tool.
Is it really easier for a child to learn a second language? We've all heard the common myth: kids learn languages easier than adults. But is it true? Discover why and how you can still learn languages as an adult.
Learn deliberately to learn faster You can learn any topic faster when you have the right resources. Here's how the right app and approach to learning will double your learning speed.
The Importance of Memorization in Learning Discover the importance of rote memorization in learning and why it's more crucial than you think. Explore the benefits and strategies with Brainscape today!
The Perfect Job for Your TA (Teaching Assistant) Having trouble coming up with project ideas for your teaching assistant? We've got the perfect job for them.
Should you apply to grad school? Brainscape Founder and CEO discusses how to decide whether or not you should apply to grad school. You don't want to waste time and money making the wrong decision.
Are Flashcards Effective for Studying? Flashcards are one of the most efficient and effective ways to study (and remember) large volumes of information. Here's why!
Turning Flashcards into a Collaborative Class Activity Teachers: learn how to use flashcards in the classroom for collaborative learning activities to improve student motivation and increase knowledge retention.
How to memorize vocab words and build your vocabulary In this ultimate guide on how to memorize vocabulary, you’ll learn how to easily master new words to advance your language, subject, and career!
Use metacognition strategies to enhance your studying Metacognition strategies will improve your studying and help you actually remember the material on your exams. Check them out!
How to Study Effectively: The Ultimate Guide Use this ultimate study guide to nail your next exam! We share five principles on how to study less and still learn with double the speed.
Educators: How to DOUBLE Your Students’ Retention of Knowledge Calling all educators! This guide helps you double your students' knowledge retention and enhances engagement, concentration, and focus.
The Complete Guide to Making & Studying Flashcards Online Discover how to make online flashcards, learn twice as fast, and share flashcards with other students.