Brainscape is laser-focused on helping employees master fact-heavy subjects using convenient, adaptive, bite-sized study sessions. Our self-directed microlearning experience uses scientifically optimized algorithms to make knowledge truly stick.
Employees use Brainscape in frequent, bite-sized study sessions during their down-time. Our distributed adaptive learning experience can supplement or replace your existing "linear" training that rarely sticks.
Brainscape allows trainers to organize "decks", add images & sounds, and collaborate with multiple editors for real-time content deployment.
You can easily track employee study progress and identify areas for improvement, no matter if your employees are studying in a web browser or in the Brainscape mobile app.
A company license of Brainscape Pro will provide employees with all the same Pro features as regular users, but with your own private landing page behind HTTPS encryption. You have complete control over who has access.