This class was created by Brainscape user Charlotte Hale. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (41)

71  cards
Chemistry - Quantitive chemistry
What does it mean if the mass of ...,
What does it mean if the mass of ...,
What is a relative formula mass a...
7  cards
Media - Pride magazine cover set product
What is pride,
How ling has pride been in public...,
What is the magazines readership
8  cards
Chemistry - Chemical changes
What do acids form when they are ...,
What do alkalis perform when they...,
What do oxidation reactions involve
5  cards
Biology - Infetion and response
How are infections caused,
How do viruses make us feel ill,
How does bacteria make us feel ill
48  cards
physics - electricty
What is an electrical current,
Formula connecting flow of charge...,
What happens to current in a seri...
24  cards
Media - GQ magazine
When was gq launched,
What is gqs readership,
Who are the magazines target audi8
15  cards
History-Weimar and Nazi Germany
Challenges the weimar government ...,
Impact of the treaty of versailles,
Terms of the treaty of versailles
26  cards
bio energetics
Where does photosynthesis take place,
Photosynthesis word equation,
4 key factors affecting the rate ...
21  cards
Chemistry - Energy Changes
Exothermic reactions,
Examples of exothermic reactions,
Endothermic reaction
26  cards
The sun set product - Media
Who is the sun owned by,
Why did they start producing the ...,
How many print copies are roughly...
18  cards
physics - energy
How can an unstable nucleus becom...,
What are radioactive substances,
What are beta particles
6  cards
Factors for which organisms are c...,
What is an ecosystem,
What is interdependence
10  cards
weimar and nazi germany
Due to the reintroduction of cons...,
What did invisible unemployment i...,
How much money did hitler spend o...
92  cards
cold war
When was the grand alliance forme...,
Why was the grand alliance set up,
When were the conferences
161  cards
History - Medicine
Why did galen have such a big imp...,
What did people believe caused a ...,
What elements of the medieval wor...
190  cards
Biology - Topic 5 Homeostasis
What is homeostasis,
Why does the body need to maintai...,
What internal conditions need to ...
133  cards
Chemistry - Chemistry of the Atmosphere
Roughly how old is the planet earth,
What percentage of the air does n...,
What percentage of the air does o...
33  cards
physics - atomic structure
How did democritus first person t...,
In the 1800s how did john dalton ...,
Describe the plum pudding model
45  cards
physics - waves
What do waves do,
What is the wavelength,
What is the amplitude
95  cards
Chemistry - organic chemistry
Why are alkanes unable to form po...,
How can alcohols be produced thro...,
State one use of propanol
10  cards
Biology - Inheritance, variation and evolution
How many strands is the helix str...,
The dna in typical human cells is...,
How many chromosomes are there in...
134  cards
Chemistry - Chemical analysis
Definition of pure in chemistry,
What tells you how pure a substan...,
How can you test the purity of a ...
48  cards
Biology - ecology
Describe the quadrat practical,
83  cards
Media - NTTD
Where are the familiar bond logos...,
Significance of daniel craig bein...,
120 mins on mirs fisher
3  cards
History - Western Front
Why did conditions differ on diff...,
What was the western front,
Why were casualties in ww1 higher...
67  cards
chemistry - rate of reactions
What does rate of chemical reacti...,
How could you find the speed of a...,
What does the shape of a graph te...
29  cards
Physics - magnetism and electromagnetism
Magnetic field,
What are the 4 magnetic materials,
In a magnetic field drawing in wh...
49  cards
Chemistry - using resources
What are ceramics,
What is clay,
How does clay form ceramics
91  cards
History - Elizabethan Era
Why was elizabethan england often...,
What was someones place in the hi...,
What percentage of englands popul...
255  cards
What does photosynthesis do,
Where does photosynthesis take pl...,
Symbol equation for photosynthesis
38  cards
Music videos
What type of photos does bieber post,
Why would bieber post image of hi...,
Why would bieber post a press pho...
24  cards
Newspaper - The Guardian
Values of the guardian,
Political contexts,
Target audience
22  cards
Energy - physics
Fic heat cpac,
How does mass differ throughout t...
19  cards
Chemical changes - Chemistry
The lower the ph of a solution,
The higher the ph of a solution,
What are wide range indicators us...
54  cards
Organisation - biology
What do specialised cells form
124  cards
Newspapers - the Sun
Social contexts,
Cultural contexts,
How much does the sun newspaper cost
5  cards
Physics - electricity
Power source for an electric circuit,
A current can only flow if
65  cards
Energy changes - chemsistry
What does it mean if the products...,
What does it mean if,
Why does overall amount of energy...
36  cards
Bonding, structure and properties of matter - chemistry
What structure do ionic compounds...,
Properties of ionic compounds,
Issue with ball and stick model
27  cards
Biology - Cell biology
How many micrometers in a centimetre,
How to prepare a slide for a micr...,
Why is iodine solution used to pr...
12  cards

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