This class was created by Brainscape user Miss A McCarthy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Types of force
Define a scalar quantity,
Define a vector quantity,
Describe what a force is
13  cards
Speed and velocity
Describe the difference between d...,
Describe the difference between s...,
State the factors that can affect...
12  cards
Terminal velocity
State the acceleration of a free ...,
State the direction wait always p...,
State the name for the study spee...
7  cards
Stopping distances
Define the term stopping distance,
Define the term thinking distance,
Define the term reaction time
10  cards
Momentum (HT only)
State the law of conservation of ...,
State the equation that links mas...,
State the unit that momentum is m...
6  cards
Describe the difference between a...,
State whether magnetism is a cont...,
Define the term permanent magnet
14  cards
State what causes a wire to produ...,
Describe the pattern of the magne...,
State where the magnetic field ar...
11  cards
The motor effect (HT only)
State the direction that current ...,
State the direction of the magnet...,
Explain what is meant by magnetic...
16  cards
Properties of waves
State the definition of a transve...,
State the definition of a longitu...,
Give an example of a transverse wave
10  cards
Electromagnetic waves
Are electromagnetic em waves long...,
Explain why em waves are not mech...,
What do em waves transfer from th...
9  cards
Uses of electromagnetic waves
State the uses of radio waves,
State the uses of microwaves,
State the uses of infra red radia...
7  cards
Waves at a boundary
State what property of a wave alw...,
State the law of reflection,
Describe what happens when waves ...
6  cards

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11y3 physics

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