This class was created by Brainscape user Suri Meru. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Lesson 1: Nature, Elements, and Functions of Communication
Communicate comes from the latin ...,
Communicare means,
A process of sharing and conveyin...
51  cards
Lesson 1.5: Nature, Functions, and Elements of Communication (ACTIVITY)
It is the idea being transmitted ...,
It is the response or reaction gi...,
It is a situation where a communi...
30  cards
Lesson 2: Models of Communication
Three dimensional representation ...,
Used to represent things which ca...,
Three standard models of communic...
54  cards
Lesson 2.5: Models of Communication (ACTIVITIES)
Which model shows a one way commu...,
Which of the following is an exam...,
Which model of communication show...
30  cards
Lesson 3: Communication Breakdown and Strategies
Process of exchanging thoughts id...,
Goal of communication,
What happens when the goal of com...
44  cards
Lesson 3.5: Communication Breakdown (ACTIVITIES)
It happens when the sender fails ...,
It refers to the natural or envir...,
These are issues like trauma lack...
51  cards
Lesson 4: Speech Context
The surroundings circumstances en...,
Refers to the setting in which th...,
Context can help establish
33  cards
Lesson 4: Speech Context (ACTIVITIES)
What type of speech context happe...,
What type of speech context refer...,
What type of speech context refer...
41  cards
Lesson 5: Types of Speech and Speech Style
Forms of communication in spoken ...,
Speeches are more,
It is human nature to
37  cards
Lesson 5.5: Types of Speech and Speech Styles (ACTIVITIES)
Provides the audience with a clea...,
Aims to convince the audience,
Is delivered with limited prepara...
20  cards
Lesson 5.75: Types of Speeches and Speech Styles
The following are types of speech...,
All are categorized under types o...,
The primary goal of a an ________...
30  cards
Lesson 6: Types of Speech Act
An utterance that a speakermakes ...,
Speech acts are performed when a ...,
Speech act is an
33  cards
Lesson 6.5: Types of Speech Act (ACTIVITIES)
Consider this statement i now pro...,
What do you think does the speake...,
You and your sibling were playing...
30  cards

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