This class was created by Brainscape user Suri Meru. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Lesson 1: Introduction to Marketing
A form of communicating or promot...,
The simplest oldest and natural w...,
The activity set of instructions ...
45  cards
Lesson 1.5: Introduction to Marketing (ACTIVITY)
T f,
T f,
T f
10  cards
Lesson 2: Marketing and Customer Relationships
An individual or business that pu...,
Why are customers important,
Customers are the _____ in any bu...
55  cards
Lesson 2.5: Marketing and Customer Relationships (ACTIVITIES)
T f,
T f,
T f
20  cards
Lesson 3: Marketing Strategy and Marketing Planning
Plan from reaching a specific goal,
A strategy is a,
A goal which is quantitatively at...
42  cards
Lesson 3.5: Marketing Strategy and Market Planning (ACTIVITIES)
Is almost a lost art saying hello...,
The relationship between benefits...,
The act of taking care of the cus...
10  cards
Lesson 4: Marketing Research
A systematic investigation,
A process of seeking out answers ...,
A systematic study of challenges ...
72  cards
Lesson 4.5: Marketing Research (ACTIVITIES)
Which of these is the best defini...,
Which of the following questions ...,
In market research a sample is de...
20  cards
Lesson 5: Macro and Micro-Environment
Micro environment includes,
Macro environment includes,
Consists of factors close to the ...
99  cards
Lesson 5.5: Macro and Micro-Environment
They provide resources needed by ...,
Companies engaged in commercial c...,
Below are the factors influencing...
15  cards
Lesson 6: Consumer Buying Behavior
Refers to the actions taken both ...,
Consumer buying behavior can be,
It is how consumers make decision...
93  cards
Lesson 6: Consumer Buying Behavior (ACTIVITIES)
T f,
T f,
T f
20  cards
Lesson 7: Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
A group of people to whom a compa...,
This group of consumers is the pr...,
Identifying the target market hel...
42  cards

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