This class was created by Brainscape user Jemima Solt. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

Ischaemic Heart Disease
What is another name for ischaemi...,
What is ischaemic heart disease,
What are the main symptoms of isc...
52  cards
Valvular heart disease
What is the normal aortic valve area,
What are the triad of symptoms fo...,
What are some causes of aortic st...
10  cards
ECG interpretation
What is the normal width of the p...,
What is the normal height of the ...,
What could cause a p wave to have...
41  cards
Heart Sounds
What is s1,
What is s2,
What is s3
9  cards
Normal ECG
What is the normal range for pr i...,
What is the normal time width of ...,
What happens during qrs
10  cards
True or false arterial circulatio...,
What are risk factors for atheros...,
What initially causes inflammatio...
20  cards
Coagulant Testing
What is bleeding time and what is...,
When would a coagulation test be ...,
What is the inr derived from
24  cards
Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS)
What acute coronary syndromes an ...,
Where is the occlusion in unstabl...,
Where is the occlusion in an nstemi
19  cards
Heart failure
What is heart failure,
What is a syndrome,
What causes heart failure
30  cards
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
Are abdominal aortic aneurysms ty...,
What is an abdominal aortic aneurysm,
What are risk factors of an aaa
24  cards
Aortic dissection
An aortic dissection involves a t...,
An aortic dissection is a s____ e...,
What group are most likely to hav...
20  cards
What blood pressure is classed as...,
What blood pressure is classed as...,
What is the most common cause of ...
25  cards
How common drugs work
Name 3 conditions that ace i are ...,
Ace i block the conversion of ang...,
Ace i causes vasodilation which r...
74  cards
Venous thrombo-emboli (DVT and PE)
Where is the most common location...,
Where is a more life threatening ...,
A pe occurs when a dvt embolises ...
31  cards
Peripheral vascular disease
What is peripheral vascular disea...,
What is pvd,
What causes pvd
31  cards
What is pericarditis,
What group of people is pericardi...,
What may the effusion be in peric...
18  cards
Pericardial effusion and Cardiac tamponade
Cardiac tamponade starts with acc...,
Accumulation of fluid in the peri...,
The accumulation of fluid in the ...
9  cards
Infective Endocarditis
Infective endocarditis is infecti...,
What are some common bacterial ca...,
Staph aureus causing endocarditis...
20  cards
Valve disorders
Regurgitation causes i______ and ...,
When does regurgitation occur,
With regurgitation there is a los...
17  cards
Mitral Stenosis
How wide is a healthy mitral valve,
Symptoms start showing when the m...,
What are risk factors for mitral ...
28  cards
Mitral Regurgitation
Mitral regurgitation is a floppy ...,
What is a myxomatous mitral valve,
What are risk factors of mitral r...
9  cards
Aortic stenosis
What is the normal area of a heal...,
Symptoms start when the aortic va...,
True or false aortic stenosis is ...
17  cards
Aortic regurgitation
What causes aortic regurgitation,
What are symptoms of aortic regur...,
What is a collapsing corrigan pulse
13  cards
What is tachycardia,
Regular tachycardia refers to a r...,
Give some example of regular tach...
26  cards
What is bradycardia,
Bradycardia may be a result of s_...,
Bradycardia may be a result of h_...
9  cards
Atrial Fibrillation
Describe the pattern of atrial fi...,
What is the most common cardiac a...,
Name some types of tachycardias
23  cards
Atrial Flutter
What is atrial flutter,
Is atrial flutter more or less co...,
What is the atrial firing rate in...
11  cards
Wolff-Parkinson White (AVRT)
Avrt means an a____ pathway exist...,
Avrts are often h____,
Wolff parkinson white is when the...
9  cards
Long QT Syndrome
Long qt syndrome is a v_____ t___...,
Long qt syndrome is typically a c...,
How long is the qt interval in lo...
11  cards
AV block
True or false in primary av block...,
How long in the pr interval in av...,
In first degree heart block there...
22  cards
Bundle Branch block
Depolarisation waves travel throu...,
The 2 bundle branches depolarise ...,
Which bundle branch depolarises t...
23  cards
ECG changes to know
T are ecg change,
2  cards
What are the 3 types of cardiomyo...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can b...
21  cards
Shock is life threatening h______...,
Shock leads to tissue _____ and r...,
How do patients with shock present
25  cards
Rheumatic fever
Does rheumatic fever generally af...,
True or false rheumatic fever is ...,
Rheumatic fever is a systemic res...
18  cards
Structural Heart defects
What is the most commonly inherit...,
What does a bicuspid aortic valve...,
What structure does an atrial sep...
24  cards

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2a cardio

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