This class was created by Brainscape user em doz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

cranial nerves
Cranial nerve i,
Cn i test,
Cranial nerve ii
22  cards
denture stomatitis
What type of fungi causes denture...,
Where does candida albicans colon...,
Who is more susceptible to dentur...
6  cards
intrinsic tooth discolourisation
8 causes of discolourisation,
4 types of bleaching,
Pros and cons of composite resin ...
6  cards
pulp & vitality testing
What is used to conduct the cold ...,
What is used to carry out,
How to carry out the ethyl chlori...
22  cards
medications with interactions
What type of drug is nifedipine,
What are calcium channel blockers...,
What are the oral manifestations ...
26  cards
complaints procedure
What is the protocol for storing ...,
How long do patients have to issu...,
How long does a practice have to ...
5  cards
medical emergency drug kit
What is gtn used for,
What dosage of gtn spray is kept ...,
What route is gtn spray administered
39  cards
herpes labialis
A woman comes in complaining of r...,
List 6 triggers that could potent...,
How long does it take for cold so...
6  cards
white patch diagnosis
In terms of rmh which drugs may b...,
What 3 things to look out for whe...,
What tests should be done in the ...
9  cards
CPD requirements
How many hours of cpd is required...,
How many hours of cpd are require...,
How many hours of cpd are require...
7  cards
non-odontogenic pain
3 classifications of dental pain,
Location of the trigeminal nucleus,
Describe pulpal pain
17  cards
ICDAS codes
Icdas code 0,
Icdas code 1,
Icdas code 2
7  cards
emergency pain management
Pt comes with a lost filling or f...,
Pt comes in with lost crown what ...,
What would you do if the core is ...
13  cards
paeds consent
Who can consent to a child s trea...,
In what situations would it be ac...,
What to do if someone who can t g...
5  cards
atypical facial pain
9  cards
pulpal vs periapical lesion
Pt experiences toothache,
What ttp response would be expect...,
What ttp response would be expect...
10  cards
pregnancy management
When are pregnant patients advise...,
Why is it advised to avoid dental...,
When is the safest period for den...
18  cards
restorative materials
Working time of amalgam,
Setting time for amalgam,
What does the application of 37 o...
23  cards
liver disease
What kind of effect does liver di...,
Which medications are to be avoid...,
What diseases are patients with l...
3  cards
general restorative
Why do smokers not bleed,
3 pre eruptive effects of using f...,
2 post eruptive effects of using ...
10  cards
medical emergencies
What are the 4 signs of anaphylaxis,
How would you treat anaphylaxis,
What are the signs of angina
4  cards
furcation involvement
When does furcation involvement o...,
Describe grade 1 furcation,
How would you treat a grade 1 fur...
5  cards
anaesthetic options
How is general anaesthetic admini...,
When gaining consent for ga which...,
How is iv sedation administered
5  cards
paeds scenarios
A mother brings her 2 year old so...,
If the anb angle is greater than ...,
If the anb angle is less than 2 w...
20  cards
perio scenarios
A 50 year old man attends complai...,
A pt presents with pain in the lr...,
A pt presents with pain in the lr...
23  cards
restorative scenarios
You are a dentist in general prac...,
Explain the advantages and disadv...,
Explain the advantages and disadv...
10  cards
oral & maxfax scenarios
A 72 year old man attends c o sor...,
A 72 year old man attends c o sor...,
A 72 year old man attends c o sor...
14  cards
oral med scenarios
A pt attends c o recurrent oral u...,
A pt attends c o a dry mouth what...,
What dental complications do pts ...
19  cards
human disease / ME
A patient has just walked into yo...,
You are about to treat a patient ...,
You have just given a patient loc...
13  cards
law & ethics scenarios
What types of consent are there,
Explain what negligence is and wh...,
Explain how an nhs complaints sys...
8  cards
oral side effects of medication
Name 3 medications that cause ora...,
Name 3 medications which cause gi...,
What are 3 examples of medication...
11  cards
osce basics
Define peri implantitis,
Describe the symptoms of peri imp...,
Define peri implant mucositis
23  cards
GDC principles
Components of principle 1 put pts...
1  cards

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3. osce

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