This class was created by Brainscape user Max Mulligan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

1 Topography of the Urinary System
Wht are the 2 centres of the neur...,
How long are the ureter are they ...,
What part of the urinary system p...
24  cards
2 Body Fluids
What is our total water intake daily,
How much do we urinate daily,
Name 5 fluid compartments in the ...
45  cards
3 Glomerular Filtration
What are the 2 forces involved in...,
What is oncotic pressure,
What happens to hydrostatic press...
26  cards
4 Renal Tubule Function 1
How much of the proximal tubule c...,
What enhances the surface area of...,
What facilitates secondary active...
35  cards
5 Renal Tubular Function 2
What is the key function of the t...,
What is the descending limb perme...,
How does na leave the filtrate in...
30  cards
6 Urine Concentration and dilution
Usually how does osmolality chang...,
How does flow rate change over th...,
How does adh increase water reabo...
20  cards
7 Renal Blood Supply
What are the vesa recta,
What are the functions of the ves...,
What is the significance of the v...
18  cards
How do we measure aki severity,
What is normal urine output,
What medications put people at gr...
27  cards
9 Osmoregulation
Where is osmolality detected,
What is adh released with,
What is the half life of adh what...
19  cards
10 CKD
Why is serum creatinine not used ...,
Why is egfr used to measure kidne...,
What is ckd
48  cards
11 Volume Regulation
What does the kidey use to measur...,
When might effective ciculating v...,
What is the structure of the juxt...
39  cards
12 Acid Base Regulation
When does net h production occur,
What happens to the h we produce ...,
In what 2 ways does the kidney re...
28  cards
13 Dialysis and Transplants
What are the 3 renal replacement ...,
What gfr does dialysis achieve,
What does a semi permeable membra...
26  cards
14 Shock
What is the definition of shock,
What does a reduction of blood fl...,
How can we measure if oxygen deli...
14  cards
15 Urine as an Indicator of Disease
Name 3 advantages of urinalysis,
Normally what proportion of our u...,
What might you want to add to a u...
71  cards
16 REN overview
What 4 sorts of pharmacology do w...,
What does furosemide target,
What absorbs sodium in the dct an...
22  cards
17 control of bladder emptying
What pushes urine down the ureter,
What are the 2 types of kidney st...,
Name 2 treatments for kidney stones
47  cards
18 K+ and more!:)
What is the intracellular concent...,
What is the extracellular concent...,
How can any adverse affects of in...
33  cards
AP01 - Topography of the Urinary system
What are rugae,
At what vertebral level does teh ...,
What is the line of brodel what i...
41  cards
AP02 Histology of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract
What are the functions of mesangi...,
What are the 3 components of the ...,
What is the relationship between ...
19  cards
AP03 Urinary Continence
Name 5 types of urinary incontinence,
Which ligaments support the area ...,
What is a cystocoele
58  cards

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3 ren

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