(3002) clinical micro

This class was created by Brainscape user Angela Maestre. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Intro to antibacterial agents
Difference between bacteriostatic...,
Difference between an antiseptic ...,
The basic target sites for the ac...
29  cards
Antimicrobial resistance
2 broad categories for resistance,
Causes of antimicrobial resistanc...,
Antibiotic creed mindme
24  cards
Define fermentation,
Fermentative vs oxidatiive,
Overt pathogens of enterobacteria...
26  cards
Processing of pus & wound swabs
Define these terms a facultative ...,
List 4 6 clinical factors which m...,
If a sab plate is included for th...
17  cards
What s cystitis its symptoms,
What s pyelonephritis its symptoms,
What does the presence of large n...
24  cards
Catalase pos GPC
What is the difference between th...,
List the 5 virulence factors of s...,
Why are all isolates of s aureus ...
17  cards
Catalase Neg GPC
What is the scientific name for g...,
What is the scientific name for g...,
What would be the minimum set of ...
33  cards
Non-fermentative GNB
List the main identifying feature...,
What is an obligate anaerobe give...,
What is an obligate aerobe give a...
21  cards
Other GNB
List the main identifying feature...,
Why haemophilus species grow well...,
What lab features characteristics...
12  cards
Faecal processing
What clinical factors history wou...,
What selective and differential m...,
What clinical factors history wou...
17  cards
GIT Infections - Bacteria
Salmonella species are identified...,
What 3 key characteristics tests ...,
Which genera is chiefly responsib...
21  cards
In host parasite relationships wh...,
What is an ectoparasite what is a...,
List 5 ways that a parasite can h...
30  cards
What cellular structure do the ge...,
How could you easily differentiat...,
What do the terms coryneform and ...
26  cards
GNC: Neisseria and Moraxella catarrhalis
List the three main organisms gen...,
Describe the main lab characteris...,
Which species of neisseria can gr...
16  cards
What group of organisms is most c...,
A what is the causative agent of ...,
What two organisms must be presen...
22  cards
A define mycosesb what are the fo...,
What general growth conditions do...,
List two disadvantages or problem...
24  cards
Genital tract infections
Which organism is responsible for...,
Explain what a clue cell is,
What two organisms are commonly r...
18  cards
Cardiovascular infections
List three factors which contribu...,
Which genera organisms are normal...,
What is the difference between ba...
8  cards
Infections of CNS
List 4 6 bacteria that can common...,
A what is meant by gnidc b what p...,
What is the significance of an el...
12  cards

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(3002) clinical micro

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