This class was created by Brainscape user Megan Lam. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

Infectious Diseases Pt. 1
What are the four adverse effects...,
Describe allergic reactions adver...,
47  cards
Infectious Diseases Pt. 2
List an example of a glycopeptide,
What is vancomycin glycopeptide u...,
What are the big three adverse ef...
60  cards
What are the key characteristics ...,
What are some common patient teac...,
What are two types of herpes simp...
94  cards
List the antitubercular drugs,
What are two nursing consideratio...,
How is isoniazid administered
81  cards
Parasympathetic ANS
Fill out the sympathetic parasymp...,
What are the two divisions of the...,
What are the three types of auton...
41  cards
Sympathetic ANS
Where are nicotinic receptors found,
Where are muscarinic receptors found,
Where are alpha 1 receptors found
49  cards
Neuromuscular Blockers & Med Errors
What are examples of neuromuscula...,
What is an example of a direct mu...,
What are other common terms for n...
11  cards
Respiratory Medications
What s the role of histamines,
What releases histamines,
What are the properties of antihi...
129  cards
Hematology: Coagulation Modifying Agents
What is no,
What is the normal range for prot...,
What is the normal range for inte...
101  cards
Hematology: Anemia Drugs
What is the primary function of b...,
Describe rbcs,
Describe anemia
32  cards
Bowel Disorder Drugs
What is one of the most common gi...,
How is constipation diagnosed,
What are the symptoms of rome iv ...
27  cards
Pain: Opioids
What are some examples of pure op...,
What are some examples of mixed o...,
Name an opioid antagonist antidote
63  cards
Pain: Non-Opioids
What does inflammatory soup contain,
What do prostaglandins do,
What do cox 1 enzymes do
31  cards
What is used to treat acute gout,
What is used to treat chronic gout,
What is hyperuricemia list some d...
14  cards
Muscle Relaxants
What is spasticity characterized by,
Describe muscle spasms,
List the types of muscle relaxants
7  cards
What are high density lipid proteins,
What are low density lipid proteins,
What do antilipemic drugs do
22  cards
Parkinson Disease
What are the different classes of...,
What are some dopamine precursors,
What do dopamine precursors treat
29  cards
Alzheimer Disease
What drugs are used to treat alzh...,
What do,
How does alzheimer occur
8  cards
Antiemetic Drugs
What is an example of an antichol...,
What does scopolamine treat,
What to educate patient on scopol...
17  cards
Psychotherapeutic Drugs
Define affective,
Define psychotic disorders,
What is an example of a mood stab...
35  cards
Antihypertensive Drugs
What are the classes of drugs use...,
What do clonidine treat,
What are some clonidines
42  cards
Diuretics & Electrolytes
List the types of diuretic drugs,
What is an example of a cai,
Acetazolamide nursing considerations
26  cards
Heart Failure Drugs
What are the classes of hf drugs,
List examples of first race based...,
What is important to know about t...
26  cards
Anti-Dysrhythmic Drugs
List the vaughan williams classif...,
What can dysrhythmias lead to,
When can we use anti dysrhythmics
20  cards
Anti-Anginal Therapy
What are examples of nitrates,
Define angina,
What are the primary goals of ang...
16  cards
Acid Controlling Drugs
What is the most common cause of ...,
What does data not support in rel...,
Pud contraindications
31  cards
Example of a sedative,
Sedatives drug interactions,
Examples of benzodiazepines
22  cards
Endocrine: Adrenal
Define anabolic,
Define catabolic,
What are some characteristics of ...
35  cards
Endocrine: Thyroid
What can we measure to assess thy...,
Normal range of thyroid stimulati...,
What are some drugs used to treat...
30  cards
Endocrine: Diabetes (Insulin)
What are the 2 major insulin groups,
Describe the two sub groups of bo...,
Describe the two sub groups of basal
21  cards
Endocrine: Diabetes (Non-Insulin)
What does metformin treat,
What else is metformin called,
Metformin adverse effects
20  cards
Antineoplastic Drugs
Cancer treatments,
How to treat emetic potential
40  cards
Immunizing Drugs
What is active immunization,
What is artificial active immuniz...,
What is natural active immunization
38  cards
Skin, Eyes, Ears
0  cards
Mueller Old Content - Final
What is digoxin used to treat,
What is the relationship between ...,
What can cause digoxin toxicity
30  cards
Larkin Old Content - Final
Rifampin indication,
Describe nursing considerations a...,
Ethambutol indications
18  cards

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320 pharmacology

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