This class was created by Brainscape user Jemma Sch. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Obstructive lung disease: asthma (R1)
Is asthma often worse at night an...,
Risk factors
4  cards
Pathology: asthma
0  cards
Obstructive lung disease: COPD (R1)
Defining copd copd is an obstructive,
Copd is an obstructive lung disea...,
Explain copd to a patient
32  cards
Pathology: COPD
Emphysema emphysema is defined by...,
Emphysema describe the pathophysi...,
Emphysema consequences of loss of...
18  cards
Bronchodilators: pharmacology
0  cards
Obstructive lung disease: bronchiectasis (R2)
0  cards
Obstructive lung disease: cystic fibrosis (R3)
Pathophysiology what is the name ...,
Pathophysiology what mode of inhr...,
Clinical features main issue in n...
10  cards
Interstitial lung disease: pulmonary fibrosis (R2)
0  cards
Interstitial lung disease: sarcoidosis (R2)
What is sarcoidosis,
Describe the pathophysiology of s...,
Where can the granulomas be found
7  cards
Upper airways disease: obstructive sleep apnoea (R1)
Definitions what is obstructive s...,
Aetiology what are 4 causes of up...,
Pathophysiology describe
18  cards
Pleural diseases: pneumothorax (R1)
0  cards
Pleural diseases: pleural effusion (R1)
0  cards
Pleural diseases: empyema (R2)
0  cards
Respiratory infections: pneumonia (R1)
Pathophysiology is pneumonia an u...,
Risk factors,
Exam general inspection vital signs
20  cards
Pathology: pneumonia
What are these two types of pneum...,
Bronchopneumonia involves which t...,
Lobar pneumonia is most commonly ...
25  cards
Respiratory infections: tuberculosis (R1)
Pathophysiology gram positive or ...,
Primary tuberculosis is symptomat...,
Primary tuberculosis distinguish ...
19  cards
Thromboembolic disease: DVT (R1)
Pathophysiology what is virchow s...,
Complications 2 complications of dvt,
Risk factors for dvt
15  cards
Thromboembolic disease: PE (R1)
Pathophysiology of pe,
Complications 3 acute complicatio...,
History symptoms of pe
17  cards
Tumours: Lung cancer (R1)
1  cards
Chest trauma: rib fracture and flail chest (R2)
What injuries can come about with...,
Rib fractures traumatic causes no...,
Rib fractures which ribs are most...
9  cards

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*3a. respiratory

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