3a zoology - invertebrates

This class was created by Brainscape user Rosie Norman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Invertebrate Phylogeny
How many invertebrate phyla are t...,
Which is the most species rich phyla,
Which is the most abundant phyla
27  cards
The Colourful Lives of Early Aquatic Inverts
What are the phylum porifera,
What is the porifera feeding mech...,
Do porifera move
44  cards
Advances and Functional Aspects of Platyhelminthes
What are platyhelminthes,
What is their basic morphology no...,
55  cards
Arthropods: A segmented success story
What are tagmata,
What is an example of where segme...,
What are the 3 tagmata that arthr...
20  cards
A Closer Look at Arthropod Features
What is the exoskeleton of arthro...,
How do increases in body size occ...,
What are periods between moults o...
26  cards
The Importance of Insects in Ecosystems
What are the roles of insects in ...,
What is rarely a limiting factor ...,
How is it that food is rarely a l...
8  cards
An Introduction to Molluscs, Adaptive Radiation and Torsion in Gastropods
What class did the first classifi...,
How species rich are molluscs,
What class does phylogenetic anal...
79  cards
Why are Insects So Successful?
What are mouthparts that are hidd...,
Why is the subphylum hexapoda so ...,
What is the most diverse group of...
33  cards
Feeding and Locomotion in Molluscs
What feeding method does the gene...,
What molluscs do not have a radula,
What feeding methods are seen in ...
34  cards
Cephalopods - general features and pure crazy predators
How have cephalopods evolved from...,
What are the 3 subclasses of ceph...,
What are the general features of ...
26  cards
Echinoderm Form, Function and Locomotion
What does echinoderm mean,
What are the 5 main living classes,
What are the common features of e...
58  cards
Feeding and Reproduction in Echinoderms
What kind of feeders are asteroids,
What do asteroids eat,
How do asteroids catch prey
21  cards

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3a zoology - invertebrates

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