3rd Semester Final

This class was created by Brainscape user Amitav Rahman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (248)

Head and Neck Imaging Studies Lecture Powerpoint
Ionic vs non ionic iodinated cont...,
Cautions against iodinated contra...,
Gadolinium 3
38  cards
ENT Physical Exam Lecture Powerpoint
Hpv is one of the leading causes ...,
Autophony 2,
Tullio phenomenon 3
28  cards
Hearing Impairment Lecture Powerpoint
By age 65 84 almost __ of adults ...,
Important history questions regar...,
Components of outer middle and in...
28  cards
Ear Disorders Lecture Powerpoint
Cone of light orientation on the ...,
Presenting symptoms of otitis ext...,
Antibiotic treatment for nonsever...
24  cards
Intro to ENT Lecture Powerpoint
The middle ear contains the ___ t...,
Hearing pathway 2,
3 regions of the nasal cavity 3
9  cards
Rhinitis Lecture Powerpoint
Rhinitis 1,
Nasal occular itching and promine...,
Clinical findings of allergic rhi...
16  cards
Pharyngitis Lecture Powerpoint
Pharyngitis definition 1,
Pharyngitis vs dysphagia 2,
Why are children predisposed to r...
29  cards
Evaluation of Neck Masses Lecture Powerpoint
Trismus 1,
Infantile hemangioma 2,
2 most common benign nonhereditar...
19  cards
ENT Preparations Lecture PDF
Bulging tympanic membrane is typi...,
Middle ear infection mech of acti...,
Middle ear effusion 3
28  cards
Sinusitis Lecture Powerpoint
Rhinosinusitis 1,
Complicated acute bacterial rhino...,
Choanal atresia 3
19  cards
ENT Emergencies Lecture Powerpoint
What comes first in an ent emerge...,
Most common pediatric illness cau...,
Croup acute laryngotracheobronchi...
31  cards
Dental Disease in Primary Care Lecture Powerpoint
Dentition through the life cycle 1,
Crown of tooth 2,
Root of tooth 3
34  cards
Laryngeal Disorders Lecture Powerpoint
2 most common agents of croup lar...,
Vestibular folds 2,
Intrinsic vs extrinsic muscles of...
18  cards
Intro to Oncology Lecture Powerpoint
77 of all cancers are diagnosed i...,
What are the top 6 most common ca...,
What 5 main types of cancer affec...
19  cards
Radiation Therapy Lecture Powerpoint
Radiation therapy definition 1,
Photons energy rating scale 2,
Radiation therapy mech of action 3
26  cards
Breast Cancer Lecture Powerpoint
2 big locations of 97 of breast c...,
2 most common presentations of br...,
2 types of tissue composing breast 3
29  cards
Prostate Cancer Lecture Powerpoint
Recall the anatomy of the prostate 1,
Psa 2,
The prostate s secretion is ___ d...
16  cards
Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Multiple Myeloma Lecture Powerpoint
Induction chemo vs consolidation ...,
Remission 2,
Intensification 3
85  cards
Biology of Cancer Lecture Powerpoint
Cancer is a disease of the 1,
Caretaker genes 2,
Oncogenes in a healthy individual...
41  cards
Special Nutritional Needs in Cancer Patients Lecture Powerpoint
Patients with cancer cachexia hav...,
Metabolically active tumors can c...,
Type of cancers with highest leve...
22  cards
Integrative and Complementary Medicine Lecture Powerpoint
Complementary vs alternative medi...,
Integrative medicine 2,
Integrative oncology 3
32  cards
Pain Control and Opioid Analgesics Lecture PDF
Analgesic definition and 2 major ...,
Function of pain 2,
Types of pain 3
59  cards
Esophagus, Gastric, and Colon Cancer Lecture Powerpoint
Unlike the stomach the esophagus ...,
3 constrictures of the esophagus 2,
Vascular supply to the esophagus 3
42  cards
Lung Cancer Lecture Powerpoint
Lung cancer within the lobe of th...,
What is the most commonly diagnos...,
Non smokersr who develop lung can...
20  cards
Screening for Cancer Lecture Powerpoint
Why not screen everyone for cance...,
Length time bias 2,
Important trends regarding lung c...
16  cards
Principles of Chemotherapy Lecture PDF
Colorectal is the __ most common ...,
Treatment of choice for dissemina...,
4 major classes of anticancer age...
21  cards
Anti Cancer Drugs Lecture PDF
Administration of cytotoxic drugs 1,
Alkylating agents mech of action 2,
Cyclophosphamide cytoxan neosar d...
42  cards
Abdominal Pain Lecture Powerpoint
3 basic causes of abdominal pain 1,
4 questions always listed in a gi...,
Benign causes of appearing melena...
33  cards
GI A&P Lecture Powerpoint
Recall the 9 regions of the abdom...,
Nearly all nutrients carb protein...,
4 layers of the entire alimentary...
45  cards
Abdominal Exam Lecture Powerpoint
Burning cramping aching knife lik...,
Anatomic correlates of right uppe...,
Anatomic correlates of left upper...
11  cards
GI Radiology Lecture Powerpoint
Abdominal x ray advantages and di...,
Abodminal contrast fluoroscopy 2,
Abdominal ultrasound advantages a...
24  cards
Liver Function Tests Lecture Powerpoint
No liver on an lft is a true refl...,
Liver enzyme panel components and...,
Alt ast measures 3
20  cards
Hepatitis Lecture Powerpoint
Hepatitis a 1,
2 phases of hep a infection 2,
If you order a patient a total he...
26  cards
GI Bleed Lecture Powerpoint
Hematemesis 1,
Coffee ground emesis 2,
Ligament of treitz divides these ...
17  cards
Pancreatic Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Sphincter of oddi 1,
Acute pancreatitis presentation a...,
Chronic pancreatitis definition 3
23  cards
Peptic Ulcer Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Regions of the stomach 1,
Peptic ulcer disease definition 2,
Zollinger ellison syndrome 3
23  cards
Tubes and Drains Lecture Powerpoint
Nasogastric ng tubes 1,
Ng tube indications 2 2,
Ng tube contraindications 5 3
14  cards
Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis Lecture Powerpoint
Diverticula 1,
Diverticulosis vs diverticulitis 2,
Where are diverticula most common 3
17  cards
Nausea and Vomiting Lecture Powerpoint
Nausea definition 1,
Vomiting 2,
Retching 3
23  cards
GI Nutrition Lecture Powerpoint
Essential nutrients 1,
Carb protein fat kcals per gram 2,
2 formulas for calculating kcals 3
23  cards
Colon Cancer Screening Lecture Powerpoint
Colon cancer is the ___ most comm...,
Modifiable risk factors of colon ...,
Fecal occult blood test guaiac 3
8  cards
GERD/PUD Therapy Lecture PDF
Factors that impact gastric acid ...,
Defensive factors that prevent pe...,
Aggressive factors that cause pep...
67  cards
Hepatobiliary Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Pancreatic malignancy usually beg...,
Bile is made ___ and the gallblad...,
Bile acid metabolic function 3
24  cards
Hepatic Cirrhosis Lecture Powerpoint
Cirrhosis definition 1,
Histology of liver cirrhosis grad...,
Leading cause of chronic hepatiti...
33  cards
Constipation and IBS Lecture Powerpoint
Functional gi disorder 1,
Irritable bowel syndrome definiti...,
Diagnostic criteria rome iv for i...
21  cards
Laxatives Lecture PDF
If colon fluid reabsorption is ex...,
Best source of fiber 2,
Constipation 1 criteria that must...
27  cards
Esophageal Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Oropharyngeal vs esophageal dysph...,
Acute dysphagia 2,
Acute dysphagia treatment options...
38  cards
Obesity Lecture Powerpoint
Obesity is inversely related to 1,
Overweight bmi 2,
Obesity bmi class i thru iii 3
18  cards
Endoscopy Lecture Powerpoint
60 cm flexible sigmoidscope 1,
2 common locations of upper gi bl...,
Recall the ligament of trietz rep...
27  cards
Evaluation of Diarrhea Lecture Powerpoint
2nd leading worldwide cause of de...,
Diarrhea 2,
Acute vs chronic diarrhea 3
31  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Crohn s disease description 1,
Crohn s disease etiology 3 2,
Crohns disease typical presentati...
14  cards
Celiac Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Celiac disease definiton 1,
Current literature and infants in...,
Classic signs and symptoms in cel...
9  cards
Intro to Alternative Medicine Lecture Powerpoint
Conventional medicine 1,
Complementary integrative and alt...,
Recent studies indicate that most...
19  cards
Naturopathy Lecture Powerpoint
Naturopathic medicine 1,
Disease naturopathic definition 2,
Identify and treat the causes tol...
9  cards
Ayurveda & Homeopathy Lecture Powerpoint
Ayurveda definition 1,
The tridosha 2,
3 universal energies and what the...
12  cards
Intro to Herbal Medicine Lecture Powerpoint
__ of the world uses herbal medic...,
Methods of application of herbal ...,
Infusion vs decoction 3
87  cards
Chiropractic Medicine Lecture Powerpoint
Chiropractic health profession 1,
Osteopathic medicine 2,
Craniosacral therapy cst 3
12  cards
Osteopathic Medicine Lecture Powerpoint
Osteopathic physician vs osteopath 1,
Founder of osteopathic medicine 2,
Bonesetters 3
11  cards
Energy Medicine Lecture Powerpoint
2 types of energy fields 1,
Tibetan singing bowls 2,
Energy medicine focuses on imbala...
11  cards
Traditional Chinese Medicine Lecture Powerpoint
As above so below 1,
Qi 2,
Yin and yang 3
11  cards
Acupuncture, Acupressure, Moxibustion Lecture Powerpoint
Meridians 1,
Points 2,
Organs 3
16  cards
Yoga Lecture Powerpoint
Yoga 1,
3 focuses of yoga 2,
Sinking breath 3
7  cards
Nutrition and Lifestyle Lecture Powerpoint
Factors that determine lifestyle 4 1,
Components of a healthy lifestyle...,
Dash diet 3
17  cards
Child Abuse Reporting Online Course
In a state supervised county admi...,
T f childline is pennsylvania s h...,
When does childline accept report...
32  cards
Common Newborn Illnesses Lecture Powerpoint
Most newborns begin effective res...,
Infants born before ___ weeks are...,
Transient tachypnea of the newbor...
69  cards
The Newborn Exam Lecture Powerpoint
Apgar score 1,
Routine newborn care orders 11 2,
Jaundice hyperbilirubinemia occur...
42  cards
Growth and Development Lecture Powerpoint
4 periods of development 1,
5 major areas of normal developme...,
__ works with fine motor skills _...
25  cards
Immunizations Lecture Powerpoint
Common mistakes in vaccine admini...,
If live vaccines are not given on...,
4 day grace period 3
21  cards
Infant Feeding Lecture Powerpoint
Breast feeding is recommended exc...,
Colostrum 2,
Mature milk 3
25  cards
Feeding Problems Lecture Powerpoint
Transmitted emotions during feedi...,
Infants have particularly low sto...,
Birth and the brain 3
9  cards
Colic Lecture Powerpoint
Colic definition 1,
Wessel s rule of 3 for colic 2,
Rome iii criteria for colic 3
6  cards
Pediatric Fracture Lecture Powerpoint
Epiphysis and what does a fractur...,
Physis physeal 2,
Metaphysis 3
27  cards
SIDS/Failure to Thrive Lecture Powerpoint
Failure to thrive definiton 1,
Short stature is not the same as 2,
How to read a growth chart for sh...
16  cards
Growth Disorders Lecture Powerpoint
Interpretation of percent of idea...,
Global developmental delay gdd in...,
__ or __ growth rates are rarely ...
23  cards
Seizures in Childhood Lecture Powerpoint
Recall ictal post ictal tonic clo...,
3 activation procedures to induce...,
Seizure causes 3 3
24  cards
Accidents in Kids Lecture Powerpoint
Primary vs secondary vs tertiary ...,
Cdc car seat recommendations for ...,
Bike helmets law 3
11  cards
Pediatric Psychological Development Lecture Powerpoint
Brain development in children 6 1,
Neurogenesis 2,
Neural migration 3
16  cards
Congenital Heart Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Ductus arteriosus 1,
Ductus venosus 2,
Foramen ovale 3
25  cards
Autism Lecture Powerpoint
Autism epidemiology 1,
Diagnostic substitution 2,
Autism definition 3
16  cards
Pediatric Asthma and Allergies Lecture Powerpoint
Not all allergic reactions are 2 1,
The allergic response is thought ...,
Antigen presenting cells 3
26  cards
Pediatric Drug Dosing and ADHD Medication Lecture PDFs
Most common neurobehavioral disor...,
Some disorders mistaken for adhd ...,
Adhd etiology 4 and what is it no...
38  cards
Toilet Training and Discipline Lecture Powerpoint
__ is the time to lay down founda...,
Developmental readiness for toile...,
4 main stages of potty training 3
20  cards
Nutrition in Kids Lecture Powerpoint
Toddlers and self feeding 1,
Feeding jags 2,
Feeding development in preschool ...
23  cards
GI in Peds Lecture Powerpoint
Encopresis 1,
Omphalocele 2,
Omphalocele gastroschisis diagnos...
40  cards
GU Disorders in Peds/Circumcision Lecture Powerpoint
Posthitis vs balantitis 1,
Phimosis definition 2,
Phimosis treatment 3
45  cards
Exanthems and Enanthems Lecture Powerpoint
Exanthem vs enanthem 1,
Koplik spots 2,
Triad of measles presentation 3
56  cards
Pediatric Infectious Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Most common type of infectious il...,
Symptoms of a uri 3 2,
Color of snot and pathogen identi...
43  cards
Chronic Diseases in Peds Lecture Powerpoint
Chronic pediatric illness becomin...,
Chronic health condition definiti...,
Common issues in chronic pediatri...
9  cards
HEENT Congenital Abnormalities Lecture Powerpoint
Atresia 1,
Coloboma 2,
Micrognathia mandibular hypoplasia 3
38  cards
Septic Work up/Fever and Bacteremia Lecture Powerpoint
Systemic inflammatory response sy...,
Sepsis 2,
Severe sepsis 3
39  cards
Self Esteem and Drug Abuse Lecture Powerpoint
Rosenberg s self esteem scale 1,
Self esteem definition 2,
3 components of self esteem 3
31  cards
Sports Preparticipation PE Lecture Powerpoint
The purpose of a preparticipation...,
When should a sports physical be ...,
Most important part of a ppe 3
12  cards
Pregnancy Physiology Lecture Powerpoint
Recall the 3 trimesters of pregna...,
Most common signs that cause pati...,
Gestational age 3
38  cards
Placenta Lecture Powerpoint
Cotyledons 1,
Fetal maternal communication of c...,
Pre implantation genetic screening 3
34  cards
Prenatal Care Lecture Powerpoint
If a patient has sex with 2 diffe...,
Goals of prenatal care 2,
4 stages of prenatal care 3
47  cards
Preterm Labor/Threatened Abortion Lecture Powerpoint
15 1 6 of all pregnancies end in 1,
Implantation bleeding 2,
Causes of bleeding in the 1st tri...
40  cards
Fetal Heart Monitoring Lecture Powerpoint
2 methods to monitor the fetal he...,
Methods of external fetal heart r...,
Insufficient o2 or nutrition chro...
26  cards
Pregnancy Complications Lecture Powerpoint
3 obstetrical hemorrhage causes o...,
Placental abruption 2,
Placental abruption etiology 3 3
34  cards
Embryology Exam Review Powerpoint
Use this one for the abbreviated exam info
33  cards
Female Physiology Lecture Powerpoint
This is gon be bad mmmkay
49  cards
Infections in Pregnancy Lecture Powerpoint
Most common bacterial infection i...,
Asymptomatic bacteriuria is more ...,
Upper genital tract vs lower 3
48  cards
High Risk Multiple Pregnancies Lecture Powerpoint
Abortion definition 1,
Perinatal period 2,
Risks for perinatal death not cau...
35  cards
Gestational Diabetes Lecture Powerpoint
Overt diabetes vs gestational 1,
Diagnostic criteria of overt dm 3 2,
Class a diabetic and a1 and a2 su...
19  cards
Hypertension in Pregnancy Lecture Powerpoint
Most common medical risk factor i...,
Deadly triad of maternal mortality 2,
Super imposed pre eclampsia 3
22  cards
Analgesia in Labor Lecture Powerpoint
Pain of uterine contraction 1,
Parenteral or systemic opioids 2,
2 commonly used systemic opioids ...
27  cards
Labor and Delivery Lecture Powerpoint
3 stages of labor 1,
3 clinical signs of onset of labor 2,
3 clinical signs of onset of labor 3
20  cards
Labor Complications Lecture Powerpoint
Preferred type of breech presenta...,
Risk factors for breech presentat...,
Complications of breech presentat...
23  cards
Labor Induction Lecture Powerpoint
Elective induction of labor shoul...,
Gestational age of or to 39 weeks...,
Indications of labor induction 7 3
18  cards
VBAC and C Section Lecture Powerpoint
Reasons for rising rate 4 1,
Labor inductions do not increase ...,
Absolute indications for c sectio...
19  cards
Post Partum Care and Complications Lecture Powerpoint
After pains 1,
Lochia 2,
Subinvolution prolongation of loc...
21  cards
Post Partum Psychiatric Disorders Lecture Powerpoint
Post partum psychiatric syndromes...,
2 distninct postpartum psychiatri...,
Postpartum depression 3
13  cards
Preconception Care Lecture Powerpoint
Risk factors for premature birth 5 1,
Neonatal mortality in the us 2,
Reframed acronym for preconceptio...
11  cards
Teen Pregnancy Lecture Powerpoint
High school drop outs in teen mot...,
Age of menarche trend 2,
Why are teen pregnancies decreasi...
15  cards
Breast Feeding Lecture Powerpoint
Benefits of breast feeding 4 1,
Human milk digestion vs formula 2,
Colostrum 3
19  cards
Drugs in Pregnancy Lecture PDF
Drug therapy in pregnancy require...,
Drug characteristics and placenta...,
Metabolism within the placenta 3
28  cards
Geriatrics Overview Lecture Powerpoint
Geriatrics 1,
Geriatric young vs middle vs old ...,
Ageism 3
18  cards
The Biologic Basis of Aging Lecture Powerpoint
Elderly age group 1,
Gerontology vs geriatrics 2,
Aging definition 3
36  cards
Urinary Considerations in the Elderly Lecture Powerpoint
Over 50 of elderly suffering from...,
Physiology of urination 2,
Causes of acute incontinence 5 wh...
13  cards
The Geriatric Assessment Lecture Powerpoint
Geriatric syndromes 1,
Functional status 2,
Basic adl s 5 3
36  cards
Geriatric Health Maintenance Lecture Powerpoint
Physical activity recommendation ...,
Tobacco use in geriatrics 2,
Alcohol risk factors for elderly 3 3
17  cards
Screening for Cancer Lecture Powerpoint COPY
Why not screen everyone for cance...,
Length time bias 2,
Important trends regarding lung c...
16  cards
End of Life Issues Lecture Powerpoint
Karnofsky performance scale kps 1,
4 leading causes of death in us 2,
How does alzheimer s kill 3
20  cards
Geriatric Sexuality Lecture Powerpoint
Barriers to sexuality in geriatri...,
Drugs that can cause sexual dysfu...,
The aging female sexual character...
10  cards
Continuum of Living Arrangements in the Elderly Lecture Powerpoint
Providers goals in fall preventio...,
Acute mental status change does n...,
Obra 87 federal nursing home refo...
8  cards
Endocrine Considerations in the Elderly Lecture Powerpoint
Recall the hypothalamic pituitary...,
Aging and the thyroid gland 4 2,
Most common thyroid disease in th...
29  cards
Cardiopulmonary Changes in the Elderly Lecture Powerpoint
How does the heart change with ag...,
Acc aha guidelines for treatment ...,
Why does jnc8 not recommend treat...
22  cards
Sleep Disorders in the Elderly Lecture Powerpoint
Nrem and rem sleep 1,
Sleep complaints in geriatric pat...,
Sleep problems tend to increase w...
17  cards
Psychosocial Issues in the Elderly
Risk factors for late life depres...,
Depression is not a normal part of 2,
Clinical presentation of depressi...
13  cards
Geriatric Pharmacology Lecture PDF
Alzheimer s disease 1,
Dementia basic definition 2,
Mild cognitive impairment mci 3
25  cards
Assessing and Managing Pain in the Elderly Lecture Powerpoint
Consequences of chronic pain in t...,
Barriers to treating pain in the ...,
Chronic pain definition 3
19  cards
Cognitive Changes in the Elderly: Normal and Abnormal Lecture Powerpoint
Broca s aphasia 1,
Wernicke s aphasia 2,
Wernicke korsakoff syndrome 3
16  cards
Nutrition and Oral Health in the Elderly Lecture Powerpoint
Metabolic changes in body composi...,
Sarcopenia 2,
Leading causes of involuntary wei...
18  cards
Elder Misuse and Abuse Lecture Powerpoint
Elder abuse 1,
Decisional capacity 2,
Executive capacity 3
10  cards
Intro to Rheumatology Lecture Powerpoint
Rheumatology definition 1,
Monoarticular vs oligoarticular v...
2  cards
Sarcoidosis Lecture Powerpoint
Sarcoidosis 1,
Granuloma 2,
Sarcoidosis presents with __ gran...
28  cards
Rheumatology H&P Lecture Powerpoint
Osteoarthritis vs rheumatoid arht...,
Bouchard s vs heberden s node 2,
Ulnar deviation 3
21  cards
Rheumatology Pharmacotherapy Lecture PDF
Acetaminophen function 1,
Nsaids aspirin and acetaminophen ...,
3 major actions of nsaids includi...
47  cards
Clinical Approach to Rheumatic Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Bechet s syndrome 1,
Hla b27 gene 2,
Geling phenomenon 3
18  cards
Diagnostic Testing in Rheumatology Lecture Powerpoint
Rheumatoid factor 1,
What other conditions can rheumat...,
Anti citrullinated peptide antibo...
20  cards
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Clinical Aspects and Treatment Lecture Powerpoint
Rheumatoid arthritis definition 1,
Rheumatoid arthritis etiology 2,
Rheumatoid arthritis pathogenesis 3
28  cards
Osteoarthritis Lecture Powerpoint
Osteoarthritis definition 1,
Primary osteoarthritis 2,
Secondary osteoarthritis 3
17  cards
Soft Tissue Rheumatism Lecture Powerpoint
Rotator cuff syndrome and treatme...,
Bicipital tendinitis and treatment 2,
Yergason maneuver 3
12  cards
Fibromyalgia Lecture Powerpoint
Fibromyalgia definition 1,
Clinical manifestations of fibrom...,
Central sensitization 3
9  cards
Lyme Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Lyme disease definition 1,
Early localized lyme disease pres...,
Early disseminated lyme disease p...
9  cards
Spondyloarthropathies Lecture Powerpoint
Spondyloarthropathies definition 1,
Common features of the spondyloar...,
Ankylosing spondylitis clinical f...
15  cards
Micro-crystalline Arthropathies Lecture Powerpoint
Some common crystal arthropathies...,
Gout definition and epidemiology 2,
4 stages of gout 3
27  cards
Lupus and Scleroderma Lecture Powerpoint
Systemic lupus erythmatosis defin...,
Pathogenesis of sle 2,
Sle classification criteria for s...
24  cards
Vasculitis & Angitis Lecture Powerpoint
2 key large vessel vasculitis 1,
2 key medium vessel vasculitis 2,
Key anca positive small vessel va...
21  cards
Osteoporosis Lecture Powerpoint
Osteoporosis definition 1,
Bone density over the aging proce...,
Osteoporosis morbidity and mortal...
13  cards
Septic Arthritis Lecture Powerpoint
Predisposing factors for septic a...,
Pathophysiology of septic arthrit...,
Septic arthritis is usuallys econ...
18  cards
Differential Diagnosis of Joint Pain Lecture Powerpoint
Red flags of joint pain 4 1,
Joint emergency surgeries 5 2,
Septic joints are a bigger concer...
12  cards
Intro to Orthopedics Lecture Powerpoint
Osteoarthritis differs from rheum...,
X ray findings consistent with os...,
Orthopedics definition 3
27  cards
Orthopedic Radiology Lecture Powerpoint
3 most common imaging modalities ...,
X rays radiographs 2,
Maisonneuve fracture 3
18  cards
Orthopedic Approach to Back Pain Lecture Powerpoint
There are _ cervical vertebrae an...,
Spondylosis 2,
Most common level for spondylosis...
47  cards
Reading Orthopedic X Rays Lecture Powerpoint
Who gets an x ray in ortho 1,
Abc s of reading x rays 2,
What to order in an ankle fractur...
27  cards
Upper Extremity Fractures Lecture Powerpoint
Clavicle fractures 1,
Clavicle fracture treatment optio...,
Advantages 3 and disadvantages 3 ...
27  cards
Lower Extremity Fractures Lecture Powerpoint
Pelvic ring fractures 1,
One of highest predictors for inc...,
Physical exam for pelvic ring inj...
31  cards
General Management of Fractures Lecture Powerpoint
What questions to ask in general ...,
Fractures at different levels usu...,
3 peak times of death after trauma 3
14  cards
Overview of Orthopedic Procedures Lecture Powerpoint
Arthroscopy definition 1,
Problems treated with arthroscopy...,
Drawbacks of arthroscopy 3 3
24  cards
Anatomy and PE of the Lower Extremities Lecture Powerpoint
Labrum 1,
Age dependent pathologies in the ...,
Trendelenberg gait is characteris...
35  cards
Anatomy and PE of the Upper Extremities Lecture Powerpoint
__ joint is the only bony attachm...,
Coracoclavicular and acromioclavi...,
For full 180 degree elevation of ...
36  cards
The Wrist and Hand Lecture Powerpoint
Recall the bones of the wrist 1,
3 muscles for wrist extension 2,
2 muscles for wrist flexion 3
16  cards
The Elbow and Forearm Lecture Powerpoint
4 articulations of elbow and fore...,
Tinel s sign ulnar nerve 2,
Elbow arthritis 3
15  cards
Anatomy and PE of the Spine Lecture Powerpoint
Majority of rotation of the head ...,
Sneeze laugh cough causing pain i...,
__side shoulder level tends to be...
42  cards
C-Spine Disorders Lecture Powerpoint
C1 lacks vertebral body and spino...,
Anterior longitudinal ligament vs...,
What does the vertebral arteries ...
19  cards
The Shoulder Lecture Powerpoint
4 articulations of the shoulder 1,
Glenoid labrum function 2,
Painful arc 3
31  cards
The Hip, Pelvis, and Thigh Lecture Powerpoint
When a normal person stands on on...,
The classic test for sacroilitis 2,
Osteitis pubis 3
25  cards
The Knee Lecture Powerpoint
Patellar reflex tests __ nerve ro...,
Sunrise view x ray 2,
Tunnel notch x ray 3
28  cards
The Foot and Ankle Lecture Powerpoint
Distal fibula makes up the __ mal...,
Anterior talofibular ligament fun...,
Calcaneofibular ligament function 3
29  cards
Pediatric Orthopedics Lecture Powerpoint
Pediatric bones vs adult bones 4 1,
Growing pains 2,
Accessory navicular 3
25  cards
Orthopedic Emergencies Lecture Powerpoint
Immediate complications of fractu...,
Volkmann ischemic contracture 2,
Shoulder dislocation placees this...
18  cards
Soft Tissue Disorders Lecture Powerpoint
Soft tissue injuries are often 1,
Principle imaging modality for so...,
Sprain 3
18  cards
Compartment Syndrome Lecture Powerpoint
Complex regional pain syndrome 1,
Crps complex regional pain syndro...,
5 characteristics of crps complex...
23  cards
Sports Medicine Lecture Powerpoint
Sports medicine definition 1,
Cardinal signs of inflammation 4 2,
Bursitis 3
18  cards
Orthopedic Images
Media 1,
Media 2,
Media 3
24  cards
PD Musculoskeletal Upper and Lower Extremity Exam
oh lawd help me
56  cards
Intro to EM Lecture Powerpoint
Emtala emergency medical treatmen...,
General ed principles 5 2,
Foreign body removal in the er 3
15  cards
Approach to the Emergent Patient Lecture Powerpoint
One of the first things to consid...,
Approach to altered mental status...,
Glasgow coma scale 3
10  cards
Vascular Access and Monitoring Lecture Powerpoint
What is intravenous access used f...,
Reasons for an arterial line 3 2,
Catheter sizing 3
30  cards
Head Trauma in the ED Lecture Powerpoint
Intracranial pressure icp 1,
Compensated state of icp 2,
Icp monitoring types 3 3
22  cards
Spinal Trauma Lecture Powerpoint
What drug class is contraindicate...,
Motor pathway corticospinal tract...,
How to palpate a posterior c spin...
20  cards
Metabolic Emergencies Lecture Powerpoint
2 general causes of hypoglycemia 1,
General story of hypoglycemia 5 2,
Glucose reference range 3
50  cards
Chest Pain in the ED Lecture Powerpoint
Most common noncardiac cause of c...,
In the er what 3 causes of chest ...,
3 diseases within acute coronary ...
21  cards
ACLS Pharmacology Lecture PDF
Preferred routes of administratio...,
In cardiac arrest vfib and pulsel...,
What may be administered in cardi...
19  cards
Headaches in the ED Lecture Powerpoint
High risk history for serious hea...,
Red flags of headache 7 2,
Primary vs secondary headaches 3
15  cards
Burns Lecture Powerpoint
All burns regardless of cause hav...,
Degrees that can cause burn 2,
Eschar 3
17  cards
Pediatric Resuscitation Lecture Powerpoint
Cardiac arrest in children is usu...,
Why do children in presence of ap...,
Respiratory distress definition 3
21  cards
Psych Clearances Lecture Powerpoint
Delirium is almost always ____ in...,
Wernicke korsakoff syndrome 2,
What type of hallucinations in ps...
9  cards
BLS/ACLS Algorithm Review
First 3 steps of bls 1,
The 4th step of bls is dependent ...,
The 5th step of bls is to do what 3
23  cards
CBR Threats Lecture Powerpoint
Weapon of mass destruction defini...,
Anthrax 2,
Cutaneous antrhax 3
60  cards
ED Triage, Surge Criteria, and Mass Casualty Lecture Powerpoint
Triage definition 1,
Emergency severity index esi 2,
Danger zone vital signs 3
5  cards
Pre-Hospital Care Lecture Powerpoint
Chain of survival components 5 1
1  cards
Thoracic Trauma Lecture Powerpoint
Trauma system definition 1,
Types of injury patterns in thora...,
Lethal 6 of chest trauma 3
14  cards
Penetrating Wounds and Ballistics Lecture Powerpoint
Blood in the peritoneum often doe...,
A positive fast exam would indica...,
Best diagnostic study for hemodyn...
6  cards
OB Emergencies Lecture Powerpoint
Causes of abnormal uterine bleedi...,
Do not do plain films of abdomen ...,
Appendicitis in late term pregnan...
21  cards
Shock Lecture Powerpoint
Shock definition 1,
Mean arterial pressure map 2,
Cardiac output co 3
27  cards
Environmental Emergencies Lecture Powerpoint
Conduction requires __ while conv...,
Thermoregulation mechanism of act...,
Hyperthermia definition 3
30  cards
Diagnostics in the ED Lecture Powerpoint
What s included on a bmp how abou...,
If a patient is stable and can st...,
Fast exam 3
3  cards
Insect Stings, Reptile and Animal Bites Lecture Powerpoint
Most common pathogens involved in...,
Occlusal bites 2,
Clenched fist bites 3
24  cards
Toxicologic Emergencies Lecture Powerpoint
Toxidromes 1,
Coma coctail 2,
Toxidrome approach 3
38  cards
Intro to Surgery Lecture Powerpoint
Why operate on a patient generall...,
Steps of the surgical process 7 2,
Maintenance fluid therapy 4 2 1 r...
14  cards
Tubes and Drains Lecture Powerpoint COPY
Nasogastric ng tubes 1,
Ng tube indications 2 2,
Ng tube contraindications 5 3
14  cards
Perioperative Care Lecture Powerpoint
Clean wounds 1,
Clean contaminated wound 2,
Contaminated wounds 3
18  cards
Perioperative Respiratory Management Lecture Powerpoint
Pulmonary complications are respo...,
Preop pulmonary function tests 2,
5 elements of preop regimen 3
7  cards
Wound Healing Lecture Powerpoint
Common types of wounds 5 1,
Risk factors to consider in deter...,
The golden period of wound healin...
22  cards
Anesthesia Principles Lecture Powerpoint
Anethesia definition 1,
General anesthesia 2,
Physical exam findings a anesthes...
17  cards
Esophageal, Gastric, and Colon Surgery Lecture Powerpoint
Tenae coli 1,
What separates the ascending and ...,
The blood supply to the small bow...
34  cards
Intro to the OR Lecture Powerpoint
Protective eyewear in the or 1,
Clothing attire in pre op and pac...,
Sterility 3
31  cards
Trauma Surgery Lecture Powerpoint
The golden hour 1,
Guiding principle of initial trau...,
Airway assessment in trauma bay 3
29  cards
Laparoscopy Lecture Powerpoint
Laparoscopic surgery 1,
Insufflation 2,
Most common complaint after lapar...
13  cards
Bariatric Surgery Lecture Powerpoint
Benefits cons of robotic surgery ...,
Normal bmi range overweight range...,
Etiology of obesity 3 3
15  cards
Psychology of Surgery Lecture Powerpoint
Nosocomephobia 1,
Tomophobia 2,
Pharmacophobia 3
9  cards
OB Surgeries Lecture Powerpoint
A bmi over 40 puts a person at as...,
__ of gyn post op deaths are from...,
Clot in the calf is __ common but...
21  cards
Breast Surgery Lecture Powerpoint
Milk is produced in the __ of the...,
Coopers ligaments 2,
Lactiferous sinus 3
29  cards
Local and Regional Anesthesia Lecture PDF
General vs local anesthetics 1,
Local anesthetics mechanism of ac...,
Examples of ester local anestheti...
32  cards
Acute Abdomen Lecture Powerpoint
Different types of abdominal pain...,
Extra abdominal causes of abdomin...,
Acute onset abdomen pain within s...
17  cards
GI Bleed/Endoscopy Lecture Powerpoint
Enteroscopy 1,
Choledocho meaning 2,
Indications for esophageogastrodu...
33  cards
Biliary Tract Surgery Lecture Powerpoint
Gallbladder anatomy review 1,
The triangle of calot significanc...,
Indications for cholecystectomy 5 3
23  cards
Endocrine Tumors Lecture Powerpoint
The right adrenal gland s main ve...,
Layers of the adrenal gland and h...,
4 common extramedullary locations...
30  cards
Vascular Surgery Lecture Powerpoint
Aortic aneurysms are present when...,
Risk factors for aortic aneurysm 5 2,
Prognosis of ruptured aaa 3
29  cards
Pediatric Surgery Lecture Powerpoint
Anatomy of a pediatric airway vs ...,
Normal amount of blood donated in...,
Children are more prone to blood ...
23  cards
Perianal Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Risk factors for hemorrhoids 2 1,
Hemorrhoids symptoms 5 2,
Hemorrhoids treatment options 7 3
14  cards
Thoracic Surgery (Noncardiac) Lecture Powerpoint
4 types of pneumothorax 1,
Pneumothorax can potentially caus...,
Transudate vs exudate 3
10  cards
CV Surgery Lecture Powerpoint
Preop eval for cardiovascular dis...,
Indications for surgery in cad 3 2,
Conduit selection of coronary art...
11  cards
Hernia Surgery Lecture Powerpoint
Associated factors with inguinal ...,
Scarpa s fascia 2,
2 nerves that run thru the inguin...
14  cards
Common Office Procedures Lecture Powerpoint
Skin abscess treatment options 3 1,
I d drainage procedure 8 2,
Does every foreign body need to b...
6  cards
Surgery for GERD Lecture Powerpoint
How is gerd diagnosed 4 1,
When is surgery indicated for ger...,
Primary surgery for gerd 3
5  cards
OB Emergencies Lecture Powerpoint COPY
Causes of abnormal uterine bleedi...,
Do not do plain films of abdomen ...,
Appendicitis in late term pregnan...
21  cards
Intro to Occupational Medicine Lecture Powerpoint
Occupational environmental medici...,
Occupational diseases definition 2,
Work related disease definition 3
11  cards
Worker's Compensation and ADA Lecture Powerpoint
Worker s compensation definition 1,
1st modern system of worker s com...,
No fault type plan workers comp 3
11  cards
Pre Placement Evals Lecture Powerpoint
Pre placement evals definition 1,
American with disabilities act de...,
T f pre placement evals should be...
6  cards
Drug and Drug Screening in the Workplace Lecture Powerpoint
Most common problem among food se...,
Age group worst affected by drug ...,
Regulated vs unregulated drug tes...
11  cards
Employee Assistance Programs Lecture Powerpoint
Employee assistance programs eaps...,
Purpose of an employee assistance...,
Credentialing of employee assista...
7  cards
Violence in the Workplace Lecture Powerpoint
Workplace violence definition 1,
Healthcare providers represent ov...,
Harassment definition 3
11  cards
OSHA and Workplace Injuries Lecture Powerpoint
Osha definition 1,
Prior to osha there was an averag...,
The radium girls 1917 38 3
6  cards
Blood Borne Pathogens and PEP/PREP Lecture Powerpoint
Which hepatitis is there a vaccin...,
Infectious body fluids that can s...,
What type of hepatitis is transmi...
8  cards
Repetitive Motion Injuries Lecture Powerpoint
Ergonomics 1,
Work related musculoskeletal diso...,
Common symptoms of repetitive mot...
22  cards
Occupational Dermatitis Lecture Powerpoint
Occupational dermatitis definition 1,
Occupational dermatitis treatment...,
Allergic dermatitis symptoms 6 3
12  cards
Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace Lecture Powerpoint
Toxic substances control act tsca 1,
Infertility definition 2,
Impaired fecundity definition 3
9  cards
Chemicals and Toxidromes Lecture Powerpoint
Material safety data sheets 1,
Lead in children will replace wha...,
Metabolism of fat soluble toxins ...
38  cards
Noise Exposure and Hearing Conservation Lecture Powerpoint
Higher frequencies are heard wher...,
3 types of hearing loss 2,
Hazardous noise definition 3
9  cards
Agricultural Hazards Lecture Powerpoint
One of the most hazardous industr...,
Leading cause of agriculture rela...,
If a farm doesn t have 11 or more...
24  cards
Air Quality in the Workplace Lecture Powerpoint
Acute carbon monoxide poisoning s...,
Carbon monoxide poisoning mangeme...,
A classic description of the skin...
13  cards
Occupational Lung Disease Lecture Powerpoint
Occupational lung disease definit...,
Large particles when inhaled depo...,
Soluble gases are absorbed in wha...
21  cards
Fitness for Duty Lecture Powerpoint
Fitness for duty 1,
Indications for fitness for duty ...,
If restoring an employee whose fm...
11  cards
3rd Semester Pharm Final
Zofran odansetron 1,
Neupogen 2,
Cyclophosphamide 3
45  cards
2nd Semester Pharm Final
Epinephrine adrenalin 1,
Albuterol 2,
Xopenex levabuterol 3
148  cards
The 3rd Semester "I'm Getting Desperate" Flashcards
Tullio phenomenon 1,
Mandibular fractures of the condy...,
Kiesselbach s plexus 3
286  cards

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