This class was created by Brainscape user Linda Chen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Introduction to Oncology
Cancer occurs when there is a gen...,
Define uncontrolled proliferation,
What are some cellular changes of...
84  cards
Colon Cancer
What is the most important factor...,
Unmod factors of crc,
Mod factors of crc
38  cards
Breast Cancer
Each breast has _____ lobes,
Breast cancer is most common in t...,
List 3 rf for breast cancer
104  cards
Radiation Oncology
Rt is a _____ tx,
Surgery is a ____ tx,
Chemo is a ____ tx
35  cards
Antineoplastic Induced N/V
The vomiting center sends efferen...,
Where does the ctz lie,
What are the 2 principle neurorec...
61  cards
Prevention and Management of Antineoplastic AEs
What does the ctcae stand for,
Asymptomatic or mild sxclinical o...,
Minimal sxlocal or noninvasive in...
63  cards
Lung Cancer
What is the leading cause of deat...,
Rf for lung cancer,
S s of lung cancer
111  cards
EGFRi , immune checkpoint inhibitor toxicities
Egfr main toxicities include,
Egfr diarrhea most likely will oc...,
Mechanism of egfr med diarrhea
51  cards
Myelosuppression, febrile neutropenia, and cancer related infection considerations
What is myelosuppression,
What is myeloablation,
Neutrophil lifespan
58  cards
Lymphoma and MM
What is lymphoma,
What is the defining feature of h...,
Describe hodgkin s lymphoma
85  cards
Cml rseults from,
What is characterized by the phil...,
What is the philadelphia chromosome
56  cards
Prostate Cancer
Purpose of the prostate,
Prostate cell function growth and...,
Where is most testosterone made
61  cards
Palliative Care
Palliative care focuses on total ...,
What assessment tool is used for ...,
Which of the following is false a...
49  cards
Seizures and Epilepsy
What is an epileptic seizure,
3 points of an epilepsy diagnosis,
What is epilepsy syndrome
142  cards
Peripheral neuropathies
Define peripheral neuropathies,
Classification of peripheral neur...,
____________ means pn that affect...
63  cards
There is an increase of ms preval...,
What is the most common nontrauma...,
Which of the following is false a...
107  cards
Essential Tremor
Define a tremor,
What is a resting tremor activation,
Types of action tremor activation...
39  cards
Parkinson's disease
Describe pd,
What are some genetic factors tha...,
What are some toxin exposures tha...
90  cards
Headache Disorders
Migraines tth and trigeminal auto...,
Secondary headaches are _______,
What is classified as episodic in...
91  cards
Cognitive Impairment
Define cognition,
Define delirium,
Define dementia
81  cards
Define dizziness,
What is the term describing a sen...,
What is proprioception
69  cards
Define tbi,
How to assess severity of a tbi,
4 points of eye response in cgs
47  cards

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444-oncology and neurology

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