This class was created by Brainscape user Joshua Lucas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

What is becks triad,
What is the mnemonic to remember ...,
What is wellens syndrome
29  cards
When is niv indicated in copd,
What are the indications for ltot...
2  cards
4 cardinal symptoms of diabetes,
What are the primary causes of di...,
What are the secondary causes of ...
75  cards
What are the causes of central re...,
What are the causes of central re...,
What are the causes of papillodema
34  cards
What are the causes of diarrhoea,
C dif ve or ve,
Risk factors for c dif
56  cards
What is the dose of metoclopramide,
What drugs cause low sodium,
When are dextrose solutions contr...
103  cards
What is a myelopathy,
What is a radiculopathy,
What is a neuropathy
68  cards
How does acute kidney transplant ...,
What is the management for goodpa...,
What are the stages of aki
21  cards
Causes of a true leg length short...,
Causes of apparent shortening of ...,
Where is the pain in hip pathology
56  cards
Menieres disease symptoms,
When should otalgia become a red ...,
What is the complication of a nas...
19  cards
What is the most common breast ca...,
Grey gelatinous soft breast lump,
8  cards
Gen Surg
Risk factors for pancreatic cancer,
Investigation of choiuce for panc ca,
What does pilonidal mean
6  cards
Cuases of a splenomegaly,
Cuases of hepatomegaly
3  cards
What are the rupture rates of aaa
1  cards
What are the most common stones,
What does proteus infection do,
What is the most common renal mal...
16  cards
What is the treatement for dvt,
Why is there an increased risk of...
16  cards
Past Papers
Raccoon eyes,
Case control
51  cards
Causes of pruritus
1  cards
Psoriatic arthritis presentations,
Other extra articular features of...,
When do you get a reactive arthritis
5  cards

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6th year

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