This class was created by Brainscape user Zachary Larson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Critical Care Week 1
What does fast hugs bid stand for,
Enteral parenteral feeding is pre...,
What things need to be considered...
65  cards
Critical Care Week 2
What is cardiac arrest,
What are the four cardiac arrest ...,
What is the immediate goal of bls...
91  cards
Oncologic Emergencies
In which groups of patients is in...,
What corrected calcium level defi...,
What corrected calcium level defi...
38  cards
How is leukemia diagnosed,
What can cause therapy related am...,
What are s s of aml
59  cards
Prostate Cancer
Which major cell type is responsi...,
What are risk factors for prostat...,
What are some advanced disease co...
38  cards
Supportive Care
Which nts receptors are responsib...,
How is the peripheral emetic resp...,
How i
61  cards
Lung Cancer
Which type of lung cancer leads t...,
What are common metastatic sites ...,
What are unique symptoms of lung ...
50  cards
Multiple Myeloma
What is the most common type of m...,
What classifies mgus,
What classifies smoldering mm
30  cards
What are risk factors for lymphoma,
What are b symptoms,
What are symptoms of dlbcl
37  cards
Colorectal Cancer
What are risk factors of colorect...,
How many patients with fap will d...,
Which condition is caused by muta...
36  cards
Breast Cancer
What are non modifiable risk fact...,
What are modifiable risk factors ...,
Which type of breast cancer is id...
38  cards
How is anemia defined in males,
How is anemia defined in females,
Which mcv describes microcytic
11  cards

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