8ge02 - diverse places

This class was created by Brainscape user Mujtaba Khan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

1.2 - SL Vs NAC
How much has uk population grown ...,
Why is population growth uneven i...,
Why has london and se grown so much
6  cards
Belfast Alignment
What was the turnout for the brex...,
What is the largest loyalist party,
What is the large nationalist par...
13  cards
How much of population identifies...,
What is the regeneration of the q...
12  cards
Challenges in rural areas,
Solutions for challenges,
What are over 75s entitled to in ...
4  cards
What is the titanic quarter,
How many aircraft movements did b...
2  cards
Aik Saath
What does aik saath do,
What values does aik saath teach,
What examples are there of the ef...
3  cards
How is tottenham changing,
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the opportunities create...
4  cards
Mile End
Where is mile end,
What is the environmental quality...,
What is the average age in tower ...
9  cards
What is the proposed change to th...,
How has resentment against syrian...,
What is kaleti
10  cards
How can levels of segregation in ...,
What does dissimilarity refer to,
What does isolation refer to
8  cards
How many properties does kingsbro...,
What are some issues with develop...,
What are the advantages of suburb...
3  cards
How many white british are left,
What are the points of contention...,
Which sect of muslims is particul...
4  cards
NI Rural
What is the population of swatragh,
What are the demographics of swat...,
What is the unemployment rate in ...
18  cards

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8ge02 - diverse places

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