_complete removable pros

This class was created by Brainscape user Anita Maxwynn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

1/2 Overview of CD & The Edontulous Challenge
What is resistance to vertical mo...,
What is resistance to horizontal ...,
What is resistance to displacemen...
62  cards
1/9: Preliminary Impressions for Edentulous Patients
What are examples of inelastic or...,
What are examples of elastic elas...,
What are examples of irreversible...
18  cards
1/10: Edentulous Anatomy
What are three types of mucosa,
What kind of mucosa is highly ker...,
What kind of mucosa is thin non k...
85  cards
1/22: Posterior Palatal Seal; Record Bases; Facebow transfer
What is the average distance betw...,
The distance from the upper sulcu...,
The distance from the lower sulcu...
21  cards
1/29: Maxillo-Mand Records
What are the two maxillomandibula...,
What are the two vertical relatio...,
What are the 3 horizontal relatio...
35  cards
2/5: Selecting Denture Teeth
What is the point of anterior teeth,
What is the point of posterior teeth,
What is valuable information to r...
46  cards
2/12: Occlusion for CRP
What is occlusal vertical dimensions,
What is physiological rest position,
What should the mm be of interocc...
33  cards
2/19: Exam, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Edentulous Patients
What are the 3 types of denture o...,
What is balanced occlusion,
What is an indiciation of anatomi...
45  cards
1 - 3/4: The Trial Placement
What relationship must the dentur...,
What stage is a critical phase of...,
What is a significant appointment...
55  cards
2 - 3/11: Denture Base Resins
What is resin,
What is acrylic,
What are some examples of denture...
45  cards
3 - 3/18: Complete Denture Insertion
What two things does the patient ...,
When do you do a lab remount,
What is the process of eliminatin...
52  cards
4 - Post Insertion Appt
When should all patients with new...,
When should patients wear denture...,
Patients who are seen for denture...
43  cards
5 - 3/6: The Single Denture
What is the most common situation...,
What do natural teeth generate ag...,
Natural teeth do do not move in f...
38  cards
6 - 3/6: Immediate Complete Dentures
What is inflammatory papillary hy...,
Where does iph occur,
What is an iph
45  cards
7 - 4/3: Tissue Conditioners
What is pathognomonic,
What are examples of powdered pol...,
What is a liquid tissue conditioner
13  cards
??? IDK 8 - 4/3: Relining Complete Dentures
What are reasons for the tissue t...,
What is a procedure needed every ...,
Why reline rebase
25  cards
9 - Sequelae of Denture Wearing
Complete denture therapy is not,
Major etiologic factor,
What is residual ridge resorption
31  cards
10 - 4/3: Digital Workflows for Complete Dentures
What is the digital workflow for ...,
What is data acquisition,
What is designing
15  cards

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_complete removable pros

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