This class was created by Brainscape user Val Hall. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

muscles in head and neck
The muscle from the occipital reg...,
Muscle around the eye,
Muscle on the temporal bone
16  cards
trunk muscles
The kite shape superficial muscle...,
Broad superficial muscles in the ...,
Superficial muscles under the boob
16  cards
arm muscles
Outside shoulder muscle,
The front flexor muscle on the up...,
On the back of the upper arm
12  cards
leg muscle
Front thigh muscle,
Inner thigh medial seen better to...,
Lateral side of the rectus femoris
32  cards
Wide part connecting the axon to ...,
Pink nucleus on the axon only in ...,
Grey processes
10  cards
spinal cord
Bottom of the spinal cord,
The piece of nerve that connects ...,
The region where it gets large to...
27  cards
nervous system
The brain and spinal cords are ap...,
Sensory receptors and peripheral ...,
Axons that bundle together
34  cards
Brain nervous system
The connection that goes from the...,
The passage that connects the thi...,
The ventricle between the cerebel...
48  cards
the brain
The cerebrum is split into l and ...,
The surface of the cerebrum is co...,
The layer on the cerebrum is called
10  cards
blood cells/heart
Wbc that has segmented nucleus,
Wbc that has a huge round nucleus,
Wbc with kidney shape u shape nuc...
54  cards
The aorta in the chest cavity,
The aorta under the diaphragm,
The first branch on top of aorta ...
75  cards
digestive system
The lining of the stomach,
Folds on the inside lining of sto...,
The sphincter connecting the stom...
79  cards
digestive/respiratory test
The digestive tract is also called,
Structure that food passes,
The mechanical process in the ora...
49  cards
Bean shaped organs,
Blood enters the kidneys through the,
Blood exits the kidneys through the
96  cards
Final Exam :)
What does blood plasma contain,
What is it called if a patient ha...,
What is it called if a patient ha...
5  cards

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a and p

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