a-level aqa a psychology - psychopathology

This class was created by Brainscape user Amelia Brown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Characteristics of phobias
What are the 3 types of phobias,
What is specific phobia,
What is social anxiety
11  cards
Two-process model
What is the behavioural approach ...,
What is the two process model,
What are the two types of conditi...
12  cards
SD and flooding
What are behavioural therapies,
What are 2 examples of behaviours...,
What is involved in sd
15  cards
Evaluation of therapies
What are the 2 kinds of evaluation,
What is effectiveness,
What is appropriateness
7  cards
Characteristics of depression
What are the behavioural characte...,
What are the emotional characteri...,
What are the cognitive characteri...
8  cards
Explanations of depression
What does ellis abc model explain,
What are the components of the ab...,
What are irrational beliefs
12  cards
Treating depression
What are the components of beck s...,
What is involved in identifying n...,
13  cards
Characteristics of OCD
What are the behavioural characte...,
What are the emotional characteri...,
What are the cognitive characteri...
6  cards
Neural explations of OCD and drug treaments
What are 2 explanations for ocd,
How do neurotransmitters explain ocd,
What are the two brain structures...
15  cards
Genetic explanations of OCD
How do genes affect mental health,
What is the diathesis stress mode...,
What does diathesis mean
14  cards
Defintitions of abnormality
What is statistical infrequency,
What is deviation from social norms,
What are definitions of abnormality
6  cards

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a-level aqa a psychology - psychopathology

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