a-level biology - topic 4

This class was created by Brainscape user Nikol Nowak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

DNA structure and function
What does dna stand for,
What does dna code for,
What does the coding of the prima...
31  cards
protein synthesis
Where are proteins created,
What are the 2 stages of the prod...,
What happens in transcription
20  cards
RNA structure and function
What is rna,
What are the nitrogenous bases in...,
What is uracil the base instead of
28  cards
DNA replication
When does dna replication occur i...,
Why does dna replication occur be...,
The process of dna replication is...
10  cards
species and taxonomy
When we classify organisms what d...,
What is considered when organisms...,
What is it meant when phylogeny i...
25  cards
courtship behaviour
What does courtship behavior help...,
Why is attracting mates important,
2 examples of courtship behavior
5  cards
What does biodiversity measure,
What are features of a healthy ec...,
How can biodiversity be measured
9  cards
Biodiversity and agriculture
What kind of farming methods coul...,
What did traditional farming meth...,
What happens in intensive agricul...
9  cards
What is meiosis,
What is produced in meiosis,
How many divisions does meiosis i...
21  cards
What is meant by a mutation,
What is meant by a chromosome mut...,
When can mutation sin the number ...
10  cards
genetic diversity and natural selection
What is meant by genetic diversity,
When can natural selection only o...,
What is meant by variation
13  cards
types of natural selection
Draw a normal distribution curve,
When is continuous data received,
When do we get categoric data
14  cards

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a-level biology - topic 4

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