This class was created by Brainscape user Szabi Majer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Business Formulas
How do you calculate,
How do you calculate,
How do you calculate
39  cards
Business Models/Theories
What is the tannenbaum schmidt co...,
What are the different stages on ...,
What are the advantages and disad...
47  cards
Unit 1- What are businesses
Why do business exist,
What is the transformation process,
What is meant by b2b
108  cards
Unit 2- Managers, leadership & decision making
Who is a manager,
What does a manager do,
What are the 3 types of leadershi...
49  cards
Unit 3- Decision making to improve marketing performance
What are the 6 common marketing o...,
Value of setting marketing object...,
External influences on marketing ...
111  cards
Unit 4- Decision making to improve operational performance
What is the importance of operations,
What does operations management do,
What are some common key operatio...
76  cards
Unit 5- Decision making to improve financial performance
What are key financial objectives,
What is cash flow,
Check the key formula
38  cards
Unit 6- Decision making to improve human resource improvement
What are some key hr objectives,
What is hard hr,
What is soft hr
55  cards
Unit 7- Analysing the strategic position
What is a mission statement,
Why is a mission statement important,
Factors affecting the mission sta...
151  cards
Unit 8- Choosing Strategic Direction
What is ansoff s matrix,
What strategy sits on the existin...,
What strategy sits on
34  cards
Unit 9- Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies
What are the three types of econo...,
What are the benefits of achievin...,
Sources of economies of scale
74  cards
Unit 10- Managing strategic change
What are the causes for change,
What are the types of change,
What is lewin s model
35  cards

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a-level business

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Looking for something else?

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  • 20 decks
  • 1289 flashcards
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