This class was created by Brainscape user Max Merrick. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Pre Industrialised Britain
How many years ago was pre indust...,
What was life like in pre industr...,
Remember the 4 c
32  cards
Industrial and post industrial development of sport 1780-1900
What was sport now called,
What was the industrial revolutio...,
What is a rational recreation
75  cards
Energy systems - aerobic energy system
Advantages of the aerobic system,
Disadvantages of the aerobic system,
What is the first stage of the ae...
10  cards
Energy systems - ATP-PC system
Advantages of the atp pc system,
Disadvantages of the atp pc system,
1st step in the atp pc system
7  cards
Lactate anaerobic system
Advantages of the lactate aerobic...,
Disadvantages of the lactate aero...,
1st step of lactate aerobic systems
6  cards
Schema Theory
What is the first parameter calle...,
What is the second parameter called,
What is the third parameter and w...
4  cards
Response Time
What is reaction time,
What is movement time,
What is response time
5  cards
The impact of sport on society and of society on sport
What are the two main concerns of...,
What is the definition of society,
What is the definition of sociali...
22  cards
Exam questions
Explain how the modern day amateu...,
Explain how very clear distinctio...,
Explain how lawn tennis helped th...
3  cards
The social action theory
What is the social action theory,
What is the interactionist approach,
What is equal opportunities
12  cards
Barriers to participation and possible solutions for under represented groups
What are sports england aims,
What are the barriers of particip...,
Solution to these barriers
23  cards
Health Barriers
Lesson objectives,
Health benefits,
How can physical activity help an...
7  cards
Exam questions
Explain the difference between pr...,
Identify two causes of social ine...,
What is the difference between st...
19  cards
Sport and Society and the roles of technology in physical activity and sport
What are the key characteristics ...,
How does physical recreation help...,
What are the key characteristics ...
19  cards
Development of elite performers in sport
What is meant by elite,
What is meant by personal qualiti...,
What are personal factors of an e...
24  cards
What is meant by amateurism,
What are the key components that ...,
Who is the founder of the modern ...
13  cards
Violence in sport
What causes a performer to be vio...,
Strategies for preventing perform...,
Strategies for preventing perform...
7  cards
Drugs In Sport
What is meant by the term doping,
What is meant by stimulants,
What are some of the social reaso...
28  cards
Sport and the Law
Identify reasons why sports perfo...,
Sports law,
Common law
34  cards
What is research,
What is sports analytics,
What is quantitative data
39  cards
Exam practice questions
paper 1
18  cards
Cardiovascular system
What is the respiratory system,
What are the components of the re...,
What is gas exchange
6  cards
The cardiovascular system
What is the cardiovascular system,
Step by step of the heart chamber...,
What does the vena cava do
10  cards
Vygotsky Theory
What is the vygotsky theory,
First stage of the vygostky theor...,
What is the second stage of the v...
4  cards

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a level pe

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