This class was created by Brainscape user George Goddard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

4.1.1 - Social Influence
0  cards
4.1.2 - Memory
0  cards
4.1.3 - Attachment (set A Caregiver and infant Interaction)
Define attachment,
Give three attachment behaviours,
Explain how reciprocity links to ...
41  cards
4.1.3 - Attachment (set B Animial Attachment And learning Theory)
Explain who konrad lorenz is what...,
Explain t,
Explain the findings of lorenz ex...
58  cards
4.1.3 - Attachment (set C Strange Situation, Istitutionalisation and Early Attachment)
Explain the role of mary ainswort...,
Explain the aim of the strange si...,
Outline the procedure of the stra...
41  cards
4.1.4 - Psychopathology (set A - Defintions Of Abnormality
Give the 4 definitions of abnorma...,
Outline the statistical infrequen...
21  cards
4.1.4 - Psychopathology (set B - OCD)
What is obsessive compulsive diso...,
Outline the emotion,
Outline the behavioural character...
37  cards
4.1.4 - Psychopathology (set C - Depression)
Give the three types of character...,
Outline the behavioural character...,
Outline the how depression impact...
43  cards
4.2.1 - Approaches In Psychology (Set A - Wilhem Wundt)
Explain the main focus of cogniti...,
Give the definition of psychology,
Describe what approaches mean in ...
34  cards
🟥 4.2.1 - Approaches In Psychology (Set B - Psychodynamic Approach)
What are defence mechanisms in th...,
Explain how the defence mechanism...,
Explain how the defence mechanism...
19  cards
4.2.1 - Approaches In Psychology (Set C - behaviourist approach)
Explain the main assumption of th...,
Explain 3 other assumptions of th...
57  cards
🟥 4.2.1 - Approaches In Psychology (Set D - Cognitve Approach)
1  cards
🟥 4.2.1 - Approaches In Psychology (Set E - Humanistic Approach)
1  cards
🟥 4.2.1 - Approaches In Psychology (set F - Biological Approach)
1  cards
4.2.2 - Biopsychology
0  cards
4.2.3 - Research Methods
0  cards
4.1.4 - Psychopathology (set D - Phobias)
0  cards

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a-level - psychology

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