This class was created by Brainscape user Ankit Gellela. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - Deviation From Social Norms
Deviation from social norms defin...,
Deviation from social norms ao1,
What does deviation from social n...
5  cards
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - Failure to Function Adequately
Failure to function adequately de...,
Failure to function adequately ao1,
How can a person be identified as...
14  cards
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - Statistical Infrequency
Statistical infrequency definition,
Statistical infrequency a01,
What is the average iq score
9  cards
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - Deviation from Ideal Mental Health
Deviation form ideal mental healt...,
Deviation from ideal mental healt...,
What is self actualisation
14  cards
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - The Behavioural, Emotional and Cognitive Characteristics of Phobias
Phobia definition,
What are the behavioural characte...,
Describe the behaviour of avoidan...
22  cards
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - Classical and Operant Conditioning and the Two Process Model
Behavioural model,
What does the two process model c...,
Classical conditioning
13  cards
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - Systematic Desensitisation and Flooding
Systematic desensitisation ao1,
What are the 3 steps involved in ...,
Explain the hierarchy of fear in ...
15  cards
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - The Behavioural, Emotional and Cognitive Characteristics of Depression
How do you diagnose depression,
What are the behavioural actionab...,
Explain shift in energy levels as...
12  cards
Majority influence,
9  cards
SOCIAL INFLUENCE - Zimbardo (1974) Stanford Prison Conformity Experiment
What was the aim of the stanford ...,
What was the,
Where was the experiment to take ...
13  cards
SOCIAL INFLUENCE - Asch (1951) Conformity Experiment
What was the aim of the asch 1951...,
How was the asch 1951 conformity ...,
What were the results of the asch...
4  cards
SOCIAL INFLUENCE - Jenness (1932) Conformity Experiment
What was the aim of the jenness 1...,
What was the method of the jennes...,
How many participants made up the...
5  cards
SOCIAL INFLUENCE - Milgram (1963) Obedience Study
What were the aims of the milgram...,
How did milgram prepare for the o...,
How many participants took part i...
10  cards
Who developed the two process the...,
Informational social influence,
What type of conformity is isi mo...
7  cards
SOCIAL INFLUENCE - Explanation of Obedience
What are the two main explanation...,
What was migrams ideology behind ...,
What are the 2 different ways epo...
16  cards
SOCIAL INFLUENCE - Dispositional Factors of Obedience - Authoritarian Personality
8  cards
What is social support an explana...,
Social support ao1,
Why does having someone support y...
12  cards
Locus of control ao1,
What is locus of control explaini...,
Who was locus of control proposed by
11  cards
SOCIAL INFLUENCE - Minority Influence
Minority influence ao1,
Minority influence definition
2  cards
MEMORY - Long And Short-term Memory
Short term memory stm,
Long term memory ltm,
9  cards
MEMORY - Accuracy of Eye Witness Testimony: Misleading Information
What is an eye witness testimony,
What is misleading information in...,
What is a leading question
11  cards
MEMORY - Explanations Of Forgetting - Interference
Forgetting meaning,
Interference theory,
Proactive interference
7  cards
ATTACHMENTS - Introduction
What is meant by attachment,
What behaviours are indicative of an
2  cards
ATTACHMENTS - Reciprocity and Interactional Synchrony
What is infancy,
How do mothers and babies form an...,
What is reciprocity
10  cards
ATTACHMENTS - Development of Attachment
Development of attachments ao1,
Outline schaffer and emerson s la...,
Schaffer and emerson s landmark s...
17  cards
ATTACHMENTS - Role of the Father
2  cards
ATTACHMENTS - Maternal Deprivation
Bowlby s theory of maternal depri...,
Separation in md definition,
Deprivation in md definition
12  cards
RESEARCH METHODS - Experimental Methods
Independent variable,
Control condition,
Dependant variable
17  cards
RESEARCH METHODS - Observational Techniques
An advantage of non participant o...,
Non participant observation
19  cards
BIOPSYCHOLOGY - The Nervous System
Nervous system holistic definition,
Two main functions of the nervous...,
Two subsystems of the nervous system
16  cards
APPROACHES - The Origins Of Psychology
0  cards

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a level psychology

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