a level psychology (miss cherry) - year 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Ellie Crang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Approaches In Psychology - Wundt & The Origins Of Psychology
What is science,
What is psychology,
What does systematic mean
15  cards
Approaches In Psychology - The Behaviourist Approach
What is the behaviourist approach,
What are some key assumptions of ...,
What is classical conditioning
11  cards
Approaches In Psychology - Social Learning Theory
What is social learning theory,
What is imitation,
What is modelling from the observ...
22  cards
Approaches In Psychology - The Cognitive Approach
What is the cognitive approach,
What is a schema,
What is inference
14  cards
Approaches In Psychology - The Biological Approach
What are genes,
What is a biological structure,
What is neurochemistry
14  cards
Approaches In Psychology - The Psychodynamic Approach
Who proposed the psychodynamic ap...,
What are the different parts of t...,
What is the tripartite personalit...
22  cards
Approaches In Psychology - The Humanistic Approach
Who proposed the humanistic approach,
Does the humanistic approach incl...,
Is the humanistic approach a scie...
15  cards
Psychopathology - Definitions Of Abnormality
What is the definition of statist...,
What are the strengths of using s...,
What are the limitations of using...
14  cards
Psychopathology - The Behavioural, Emotional & Cognitive Characteristics Of Phobias, Depression & OCD
What is the definition of a phobia,
What are the 3 types of phobias,
What are the behavioural characte...
15  cards
Psychopathology - The Behavioural Approach To Explaining & Treating Phobias
What is the behavioural approach,
What is classical conditioning,
What is operant conditioning
33  cards
Psychopathology - The Cognitive Approach To Explaining & Treating Depression
What is the cognitive approach,
Who proposed,
What is faulty information proces...
24  cards
Psychopathology - The Biological Approach To Explaining & Treating OCD
What is an obsession,
What is a compulsion,
What is the ocd cycle
43  cards
Biopsychology - The Nervous System
What is homeostasis,
What is the nervous system,
What are the 2 main parts of the ...
21  cards
Biopsychology - Neurons & Synaptic Transmission
What is a neuron,
What are the 3 types of neurons,
Where are relay neurons located
21  cards
Biopsychology - Ways Of Investigating The Brain
What are the 4 different ways to ...,
What is a mri,
What does a mri do
33  cards
Biopsychology - Biological Rhythms
What are biological rhythms,
What are the 3 biological rhythms,
What is the ultradian rhythm
16  cards
Biopsychology - The Endocrine System
What is the endocrine system,
What are the different glands in ...,
What hormones does the hypothalam...
21  cards

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a level psychology (miss cherry) - year 1

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