This class was created by Brainscape user Danielle Zickgraf. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Circulatory System
Functions of the circulatory syst...,
Circulatory system consists of wh...,
How does blood flow from the heart
38  cards
The Heart
What is the function of the right...,
What is the function of the left ...,
Trace blood flow from body throug...
13  cards
Blood & RBCs
Characteristics of blood 3,
Normal ph volume temp of blood,
Blood functions 3
30  cards
Characteristics of leukocytes wbcs,
Lifespan of different types of wbcs,
Differential white blood cell cou...
41  cards
Lymphatic System
What are the 3 main functions of ...,
How does the lymphatic system ach...,
Lymph 3
46  cards
Immune System
Antigen recognition,
Special function of immune system,
Mhc ii
41  cards
Respiratory System Structures
Respiratory system function,
How does carbon dioxide get into ...,
2 types of gas exchange
57  cards
Respiratory Functions
Pneumothorax vs hemothorax,
Pleural effusion pleurisy,
Atmospheric pressure intrapulmoni...
69  cards
Practical Terminology
Main blood vessels of upper torso,
Main blood vessels of lower torso
2  cards
Digestive System- Part I
Digestive system organs 6,
Digestive system accessory organs 5,
Digestive system functions 6
57  cards
Digestive System- Part 2
4 regions of the stomach,
Cardia 2,
52  cards
Nutrition, Metabolism, & Temperature
What are nutrients,
What are the 5 nutrients which on...,
What is the difference between mi...
72  cards
Urinary System
Functions of urinary system 2,
How does the urinary system maint...,
Sequence of urine production flow 14
4  cards
Reproductive System
Reproductive system functions 4,
What gametes what type of cells a...,
What would happen if meiosis didn...
51  cards
Final Practice Terms
Digestive, Urinary, Mesenteries, Reproductive
7  cards

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a & p ii

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