This class was created by Brainscape user Enia Palacios. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Functions bile metabolism of fats...,
Right and left lobes divides by p...,
Blood supplyrt lobe lt lobe caudate
73  cards
A spiral fold which controls bile...,
An abnormal sacculation of the ne...,
A fold between the body and fundu...
65  cards
The exocrine function of the panc...,
The endocrine function of the pan...,
Head of the pancreas is _______ t...
31  cards
Artery renal flow starts at main ...,
The upper pole of each kidney is ...,
Most common fusion anomaly in whi...
70  cards
The testicle is surrounded by a f...,
____ _____ is sonographically see...,
The ____ ____ is an anastamosing ...
34  cards
Prostate gland primarily recieves...,
Inferior portion of the gland,
Superior portion of gland
10  cards
The spleen removes damaged _____ ...,
Splenomegaly is indicated with a ...,
Another word for accessory spleen is
22  cards
The ____ is the serous membrane t...,
The _______ is a posteriorly loca...,
Celiac axis gives rise to three m...
31  cards
The most common theorized cause o...,
Most aortic anuerysms are in the ...,
__________ by defnition are a foc...
17  cards
The 5 different layers of the gi ...,
The segment of esophagus between ...,
The term ________ refers to the p...
9  cards
Abcesses present with fever and i...,
Int eh absence of gas within a co...,
The sandwhich or mantle sign is t...
9  cards
The ____ muscles are along the an...,
The larger sternocleidomastoid mu...,
Posterior to thyroid is the
27  cards

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abdomen ardms

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