This class was created by Brainscape user L G. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: L G

Decks in this class (11)

Ch1: Introduction To Federal Taxation In Canada
Common law rules the canadian cou...,
Common law rules the canadian cou...,
Common law rules the canadian cou...
9  cards
Ch2: Procedures And Administration
What are instalments,
When are instalments required,
How to calculate instalment amounts
4  cards
Ch3: Employment Income
Why do employees prefer being con...,
How does the cra distinguish betw...,
How to report income from office ...
29  cards
Ch5: Capital Cost Allowance
What is the tax system rule regar...,
What are the general tax rules re...
23  cards
Ch7: Income From Property
What is the general concept of in...,
What is interest as a deduction,
Interest as a deduction non deduc...
10  cards
Ch8: Capital Gains And Capital Losses
What is the definition of a capit...,
What are proceeds of disposition pod,
What is adjusted cost base acb
24  cards
Ch9: Other Income, Other Deductions, And Other Issues
What is included in individual in...,
What are income inclusions from d...,
What is included in education ass...
16  cards
Ch9: Non-Arm’s Length, Deceased And Income Attribution
What is the meaning of non arm s ...,
Explain the 4 possibilities of no...,
What are inter vivo while you are...
6  cards
Ch10: Retirement Savings And Other Special Income Arrangements
What are the retirement savings v...,
What are the types of pension plans,
What are the basic concepts of rrsp
14  cards
Ch11: Taxable Income And Tax Payable For Individuals Revisited
How do you go from net to taxable...,
What is the stock option benefit ...,
What is the lifetime capital gain...
11  cards
Ch4: Taxable Income and Tax Payable for Individuals
How do you go from net to federal...
2  cards

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acco340 (w24)

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