This class was created by Brainscape user R A. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: R A

Decks in this class (19)

Azure Regions
cover key concepts related to Azure regions, region pairs, and sovereign regions, providing a clear understanding of their definitions, purposes, and considerations.
10  cards
Availability Zones
Provide a concise and easy-to-understand overview of Azure Availability Zones and their significance in ensuring high availability and reliability of cloud services.
11  cards
Exploring Aure Global Infrastructure
Provides a clear, comprehensive overview of how to use and benefit from exploring Microsoft's data center information site, focusing on Azure's physical infrastructure.
9  cards
Resource Organisation
Provide a concise summary of Azure's management infrastructure, explaining the hierarchical organization from resources to management groups, and the concept of policy inheritance within this structure.
6  cards
Resource Hirearchy
What is resource hierarchy in azure,
What is the parent child relation...,
How is resource hierarchy similar...
9  cards
Test Tips-1
What considerations should you ke...,
What are azure regions and what d...,
What is the purpose of region pai...
12  cards
Azure Compute Concepts
summarize the key points related to Azure Compute, including definitions, differences between services, and considerations for decision-making.
7  cards
Virtual Machines
What is a virtual machine vm in c...,
What are the essential components...,
How are virtual machines deployed...
7  cards
Demo-Creating Virtual Machines
reinforce the key concepts and steps involved in creating and configuring virtual machines on Azure.
6  cards
Demo-Connecting to VIrtual Machines
How do we connect to the windows ...,
How do we connect to the linux ma...,
What is important to remember abo...
9  cards
Virtual Machine Scale Sets
What is a vm scale set,
What is the purpose of a vm scale...,
How does a vm scale set work
7  cards
Available Sets
What are availability sets used for,
How do availability sets differ f...,
What is the purpose of fault doma...
6  cards
Azure Virtual Desktop
What is azure virtual desktop avd,
How does avd help with data security,
What are some challenges that avd...
5  cards
App Services
What are the key benefits of azur...,
What are the primary hosting capa...,
What are the steps involved in co...
4  cards
Demo: Creating an App Services
What is required when creating an...,
What are the options for publishi...,
How does the choice of runtime st...
7  cards
Azure Functions
What is azure functions often ref...,
How does azure functions compare ...,
What is the key difference betwee...
10  cards
Introduction to Containers
What is a container in the contex...,
How does managing dependencies di...,
What are some key benefits of usi...
10  cards
Containers Deployment Options
What is azure container instances...,
What are some benefits of using a...,
What are the limitations of azure...
10  cards
Exam Tip- Azure Compute
What are some key considerations ...,
What is the main advantage of usi...,
What are scale sets in azure and ...
10  cards

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