This class was created by Brainscape user Ann Marie Picone. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

What is the definition of a true ...,
What are some immunoprotective pr...,
What are the inflammatory mediato...
103  cards
From what structure does the ante...,
From what structure does the post...,
The neurohypophysis is an extensi...
295  cards
Clin Path
A fear excitement response is cha...,
A stress leukogram is characteriz...,
After iron is removed from transf...
171  cards
What is the definition of an endo...,
What is the definition of a parac...,
What is the definition of a neuro...
242  cards
Antiemetic dose of 3 hydrogen per...,
What are the adverse effects mech...,
What is the moa of intravenous li...
40  cards
What are the phases of the cell c...,
What happens in the g1 phase of t...,
What happ
90  cards
What are the parts of the nephron...,
What are the 2 mechanisms that cr...,
What type of collagen is found in...
167  cards
What larval stage is the infectiv...,
How long does it take to see micr...,
Dogs cats are more efficient at c...
127  cards
How much o2 is dissolved in plasma,
What percentage of o2 is bound to...,
What is p50
143  cards
What are the two functional class...,
What is the neurotransmitter for ...,
Steps of neurotransmission for ge...
8  cards
90 95 of serum copper is bound to __,
What enzymes is copper an integra...,
Most iron in the body is in the f...
53  cards
What is risk,
What is prevalence,
What is incidence
25  cards
Describe the hypothalamic pituita...,
Gnrh is under negative feedback by,
Follicle stimulating hormone fsh ...
39  cards
Moa side effects of cimetidine fa...,
Moa side effects of omeprazole pa...,
Moa side effects of misoprostal
37  cards
Practice Questions
What causes heinz body formation,
What does sildenafil antagonize,
What diuretics are potassium sparing
3  cards
Opening of funny channels in the ...,
Once membrane threshold voltage i...
2  cards

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acvim generals

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