ACVS Phase I Master Deck *Use This*

This class was created by Brainscape user Charlotte Doyle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (88)

Chapter 1: The inflammatory Response
What cells produce tnf 1,
What is stimulated by the release...,
The main effect of tnf is stimula...
39  cards
Chapter 2: Genetics
What percent of the genome codes ...,
Dna is made of four bases what ar...,
What are the two major ways dna i...
10  cards
Chapter 3: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
What are the three main classes o...,
What are the different types of p...,
What are some concerns regarding ...
20  cards
Chapter 4: PRP
What do the alpha particles of pl...,
What should the platelet concentr...,
What else besides platelets does ...
9  cards
Chapter 5: Fluids
Canine blood donors ideally shoul...,
How many naturally occurring dog ...,
How do you work out how much bloo...
48  cards
Chapter 6: Shock
How do you calculate the arterial...,
What is the fick equation 2,
What is meant by an atls class 2 ...
14  cards
Chapter 7: Bleeding and Hemostasis
What are three naturally occurrin...,
Normal endothelium controls plate...,
What is the life span of a platel...
28  cards
Chapter 8: Metabolism and Nutritional Needs of Surgical Patients
Lack of oral food intake results ...,
Serum albumin concentration of le...,
How much of energy consumed by mu...
15  cards
Chapter 9: Wound Healing
Name the phases of wound healing 1,
Wound hypoxia impairs resistance ...,
By 48 96 hours what is the primar...
35  cards
Chapter 10: Wound infections and Antimicrobial Use
What happens to the risk of ssi w...,
What effect does prolonged durati...,
Is there a difference in ssi rate...
15  cards
Chapter 11: Sterilization
What is the spaulding classificat...,
What is toxic anterior segment sy...,
What are the main options for cle...
24  cards
Chapter 12: Instrumentation
What are the two types of debakey...,
What are 5 different bone holding...,
What are 4 different types of ron...
42  cards
Chapter 13: The OR
What are the 5 principles of cond...,
What is included in a surgical br...,
What benefits are provided by a s...
20  cards
Chapter 14: Monitoring for Surgical Infection (Surveillance)
Define surveillance 1,
What factors need to be considere...,
What are the basic requirements f...
4  cards
Chapter 15: Energy Sources: Electrosurgery and Lasers
Define electrical voltage current...,
What is power 2,
What is the difference between el...
23  cards
Chapter 16: Suture Material, Tissue Staplers, Ligation Devices, and Closure Methods
What are types of barbed suture 1,
What are the 2 major methods of s...,
List the 5 disadvantages of catgu...
20  cards
Chapter 17: Instrument and Tissue Handling Techniques
List halsted s principles 1,
What grips are acceptable for sca...,
What are the 4 motions of a scapel 3
21  cards
Chapter 18: Surgical Hemostasis
How long can the abdominal aorta ...,
How long can the portal triad pri...,
How long can the hepatic artery b...
36  cards
Chapter 19: Bandages and Drains
What is laplace s law in regards ...,
What is the pressure at which art...,
List the three main methods of pr...
9  cards
Chapter 20: General Principles of Biopsies
What are the 2 main types of cutt...,
To what depth should a biopsy nee...,
What are the three main aspiratio...
27  cards
Chapter 21: Anesthesia Principles and Monitoring
A small animal s metabolic oxygen...,
Saturated vapor pressure is what 2,
How are vaporizers classified 3
55  cards
Chapter 22: Anesthetic Practice for Existing Conditions
Describe the 5 asa grades 1,
What is the rate of anaesthetic r...,
What medications are contraindica...
21  cards
Chapter 23: Interventional Radiology and Endoscopy
Define interventional radiology 1,
What should or tables be made of ...,
What form of fluoroscopy is recom...
25  cards
Chapter 24: Fundamentals of Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy
What benefits have been shown reg...,
What are the basic components of ...,
What are they typical light sourc...
23  cards
Chapter 25: Intro to Oncologic Surgery
Generally speaking what alteratio...,
What are the 6 phenotypic charact...,
Which forms of neoplasia have con...
41  cards
Chapter 26: Neuro Exam and Localization
What are the six components of a ...,
What is the reticular activating ...,
Abnormalities in which parts of t...
49  cards
Chapter 28: Imaging of the CNS
Which form of imaging has the hig...,
Which imaging modality has the hi...,
What structure provides contrast ...
33  cards
Chapter 29: Pathogenesis and Physiology of CNS injury
Descirbe the distribution of the ...,
What is grey matter and white mat...,
Describe the ventricles of the cns 3
45  cards
Chapter 38: Tissues of the Musculoskeletal System
Where do mesenchymal cells come f...,
What is the most abundant protein...,
What is the difference between a ...
25  cards
Chapter 39: Bone Biomechanics and Fracture Biology
What is a moment arm 1,
Formula for stress 2,
Cauchy described what 3
36  cards
Chapter 40: Open Fractures
What is the interobserver agreeme...,
What is the psi for wound irrigat...,
Covering the wound reduces infect...
14  cards
Chapter 41: Internal Fixation
316l stainless steel means what 1,
Weakest point of the orthopedic w...,
Name 4 ways to secure knot an ort...
35  cards
Chapter 42: External Skeletal Fixation
Name 5 advantages of esf external...,
What are 5 disadvantages to esf 2,
Is an ellis pin a negative or pos...
45  cards
Chapter 43: Overview of MIO Principles
What is ligamentotaxis 1,
What is the mechanical principle ...,
What are the principles termed to...
12  cards
Chapter 44: Bandaging, External Coaptation, and External Devices for Companion Animals
How long does it take for joint c...,
What are four things to know abou...,
Tell me three things about the mo...
20  cards
Chapter 45: Delayed Unions, Non-unions and Malunions
______________ deposit bone matri...,
In the process of deposition of t...,
T f lamellae in trabecular bone d...
22  cards
Chapter 47: Osteomyelitis and Implant Associated Infections
Successful treatment of osteomyel...,
What are the most common bacteria...,
Describe the pathogenesis of oste...
21  cards
Chapter 48: Bone Grafts and Substitutes
What lineages of differentiation ...,
Where are the most accessible sou...,
What are the three mechanisms via...
27  cards
Chapter 68: Arthritis
Define osteoarthritis 1,
What percentage of adult cats dog...,
What factors contribute to an ind...
57  cards
Chapter 70: Muscle and Tendon Disorders
Where do muscle strains most comm...,
Name the 3 stages of muscle strai...,
What are the two types of tendons 3
19  cards
Chapter 71: Arthroscopy
What three measurements are used ...,
Name 2 ways the camera and scope ...,
What is the most common light sou...
30  cards
Chapter 73: Osteochondrosis
What percentage of all dogs prese...,
Male dogs are more commonly affec...,
In most long bones growth plates ...
29  cards
Chapter 74: Gait Analysis
Define kinetic gait analysis and ...,
Which gaits are symmetric and asy...,
What are the 2 main phases of the...
26  cards
Chapter 75: Primary Wound Closure
What are the 3 divisions of the v...,
What are the main differences bet...,
Define the following 3
33  cards
Chapter 76: Open Wounds
What are the 4 phases of wound he...,
What are the four steps of wound ...,
What are the most common location...
35  cards
Chapter 81: Burns
What are the 4 etiological classi...,
What are the 5 degrees of thermal...,
What occurs when the skin tempera...
22  cards
Chapter 83: Spleen
Describe the splenic blood supply 1,
Where are accessory spleens most ...,
Name 5 functions of the spleen 3
24  cards
Chapter 84: Abdominal Wall Reconstruction and Hernias
What is an auto penetrating hernia 1,
In the cranial middle and caudal ...,
Where do the internal and externa...
11  cards
Chapter 85: Diaphragmatic Hernias
What are the three muscular compo...,
Which crus is larger 2,
Where do the splanchnic nerves an...
12  cards
Chapter 86: Peritoneum and Retroperitoneum
What is the cullens sign 1,
What lines the pelvic and periton...,
What are omental milky spots 3
37  cards
Chapter 87: Soft Tissues of the Oral Cavity
What are the soft tissues of the ...,
What is the blood supply to the u...,
The tongue is composed almost ent...
12  cards
Chapter 88: Salivary Glands
What are the four salivary glands 1,
Describe the parotid salivary gla...,
Describe the zygomatic salivary g...
8  cards
Chapter 89: Mandibulectomy and Maxillectomy
What are the four muscles of mast...,
What is the blood supply to the m...,
Innervation to the mandible 3
6  cards
Chapter 90: Esophagus
What is the outer layer of the es...,
What are the four layers of the e...,
For which species is the caudal 1...
10  cards
Chapter 91: Stomach
List the secretory cells of the s...,
What is contractile retropulsion 2,
By what process do gastric mucosa...
12  cards
Chapter 92: Small Intestine
What is in the root of the mesent...,
What makes up the duodenocolic li...,
How many times do the villi incre...
12  cards
Chapter 93: Colon
The cecum is a diverticulum that ...,
What are the three parts of the c...,
The cranial mesenteric artery bra...
9  cards
Chapter 94: Rectum, Anus and Perineum
What is unique about the resting ...,
How many bacteria are there per g...,
Where is the most common location...
28  cards
Chapter 95: Liver and Biliary System
Name the branches of the hepatic ...,
Name the branches of the portal v...,
How far away is the duodenal papi...
59  cards
Chapter 96: Hepatic Vascular Anomalies
List the 4 tributaries of the por...,
How many hepatic veins do dogs us...,
What embryonic vessels give rise ...
33  cards
Chapter 97: Pancreas
What percentage of total pancreat...,
What cells form the endocrine pan...,
What cells form the exocrine panc...
21  cards
Chapter 98: Feeding Tubes
What are three methods for provid...,
How do you verify placement of an...,
What are enteral fluid requiremen...
8  cards
Chapter 99: Nasal Planum, Nasal Cavity and Sinuses
What muscles allow for movement o...,
Extensive resection of the nasal ...,
What ligaments support the cartil...
13  cards
Chapter 100: Palate
What runs through the major palat...,
Principle blood supply to the sof...,
List the muscles of the soft pala...
23  cards
Chapter 101: Larynx
Where do the cranial laryngeal ne...,
The extrinsic muscles of the lary...,
Where does cricoarytenoideus dors...
19  cards
Chapter 103: Lung
Name the muscles that cover the t...,
Which ligament has to be transect...,
Where are the pulmonary arteries ...
41  cards
Chapter 102: Trachea and Bronchi
The trachea splits into principal...,
How many tracheal rings do dogs h...,
At what point does the trachea ha...
19  cards
Chapter 104: Thoracic Wall
What flaps can be based on the th...,
What muscle attaches to the manub...,
Which rib does scalenus attach to 3
15  cards
Chapter 106: Cardiac Surgery
Which coronary artery is dominant...,
What is the first branch of the a...,
What factors determine stroke vol...
14  cards
Chapter 105: Thoracic Cavity
What is normal plural fluid volum...,
What cells make up normal plueral...,
What of dogs have a dorsal thorac...
24  cards
Chapter 107 : Pericardial surgery
What are the 2 layers of the peri...,
List the functions of the pericar...,
What does pericardial fluid conta...
7  cards
Chapter 108: Vascular Surgery
What are the three layers of bloo...,
What veins carry oxygenated blood 2,
Name the instruments pictured fro...
14  cards
Chapter 109: Ovaries and Uterus
Where do the ovarian arteries ari...,
Where do the ovarian veins drain ...,
What are the layers of the uterus 3
13  cards
Chapter 110: Vagina, Vestibule and Vulva
What embryological structure form...,
What kind of epithelium does the ...,
What it the blood supply to the v...
7  cards
Chapter 111: Testes, Epididymides and Scrotum
What are the three layers of the ...,
What are the three different cell...,
What is the function of the epidi...
9  cards
Chapter 112: Penis and Prepuce
Which part of the penis contains ...,
Which part of the penis is most r...,
What is another name for the os p...
12  cards
Chapter 115: Ureters
General guidance for dog diameter...,
What percentage of cats have a ri...,
The ureteral artery originates fr...
11  cards
Chapter 113: Prostate
What is the normal size of the pr...,
Is the prostate peritoneal or ret...,
What nervous input increases glan...
8  cards
Chapter 114: Kidneys
Where is the macula densa and wha...,
What is the vein following the ne...,
What is the arterial circle in re...
35  cards
Chapter 116: Bladder
The lateral ligaments of the blad...,
Which nerve innervates the vesico...,
Which nerve innervates the periur...
33  cards
Chapter 118: USMI
What are the 4 interacting mechan...,
What is the role of the pudendal ...,
List potential causes of congenit...
11  cards
Chapter 117: Urethra
Urethra is innervated by which ne...,
Urethralis is innervated by which...,
Blood supply by which artery 3
40  cards
Ch 120: Adrenal Glands
List the endocrine functions of t...,
What does the adrenal medulla ari...,
List the zones of the adrenal cor...
39  cards
Chapter 122: Pinna and External Ear Canal
What is the scutiform cartilage 1,
What is the annular cartilage 2,
What is cerumen 3
18  cards
Chapter 121: Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
Where are the thyroid glands loca...,
What is the bridge of tissue conn...,
What is the normal size of a cani...
31  cards
Chapter 123: Middle and Inner Ear
List the components of the tympan...,
What are the main components of t...,
Where is the aural opening of the...
23  cards
Chapter 124: Eye
What is the primary function of t...,
What 4 functions do the eyelids p...,
Which eyelid superior or inferior...
26  cards
AO Principles
How tight should a 20mm screw be 1,
The ao drill guides are color cod...,
The universal drill guide is spri...
5  cards

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ACVS Phase I Master Deck *Use This*

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