adulthood and aging

This class was created by Brainscape user Amanda Grubb. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Fundamentals on Adulthood and Aging
What are the types of aging,
Primary aging,
Secondary aging
23  cards
Transitioning to Adulthood
What is adulthood,
What are the age ranges within ad...,
What defines or influence the tra...
7  cards
Research Methods
What are the designs often used i...,
Cross sectional,
What are the weaknesses in cross ...
8  cards
Perception Changes
How does the vision change across...,
What are primary and secondary ch...,
What are the two major structural...
21  cards
Cognition Development
What is harold,
What evidence supports harold,
What is pasa
14  cards
Intelligence and Wisdom
What components are there in inte...,
Crystalized intelligence,
Fluid intelligence
12  cards
Neurological Development
What are the approaches in neurol...,
What are two growth spurts that h...,
What changes in the brain causes ...
9  cards
Social Cognition
What is a stereotype,
What is a stereotype threat,
How can stereotype threat affect ...
26  cards
Psychosocial Development
According to erikson what are the...,
According to erikson s stage theo...,
Intimacy vs isolation
20  cards
Social Ecology and Development
What are the microsystems for per...,
What is the definition of friends...,
What does abcde stands for in per...
36  cards
Occupational Development
What are the microsystems for work,
Career construction theory,
Career choice holland
19  cards
What characterizes depression,
How do the rates of depression ch...,
What are the risk factors for dep...
11  cards
Dying and bereavement
In what ways does culture affect ...,
What are the 3 medical definition...,
What are some age related differe...
27  cards

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adulthood and aging

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