advanced corporate finance

This class was created by Brainscape user Rosie Campos Goncalves. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Week 1: Overview of Capital Structure
What are the 4 assumptions of the...,
What are the 4 characteristics of...,
What is proposition 1 of the modi...
10  cards
Tutorial 1:How macroeconomic conditions can influence firms’ ability to raise capital?
Erel, I., Julio, B., Kim, W., & Weisbach, M. S. (2012). Macroeconomic conditions and capital raising. Review of Financial Studies, 25(2), 341- 376.
7  cards
Tutorial 1: How did COVID-19 affect firms' access to financing?
Halling, M., Yu, J., & Zechner, M. (2020). How Did COVID-19 Affect Firm’s Access to Public Capital Markets? Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 9(3), 501-533.
5  cards
Week 2: Limits to the Use of Debt & Financial Distress Costs
What is financial distress,
How does financial distress in te...,
Why do the incentives of equity h...
8  cards
Tutorial 2:What is the role of debt enforcement or bankruptcy codes in each country in predicting financial distress costs in firms?
How does debt enforcement affect ...,
How does debt enforcement differ ...,
What is the effect of imperfect d...
3  cards
Tutorial 2: To what extent does the pattern of institutional ownership influence voting behaviour in instances of bond-equity holder conflicts under financial distress?
How do institutional investors pa...,
How are institutional investors v...,
3  cards
Week 3: Pecking Order Theory of Capital Structure
What is the pecking order theory ...,
Why is internal finance highest o...,
Why is debt higher than equity on...
4  cards
Week 4: Stakeholder Theory of Capital Structure
What is the stakeholder theory of...,
Who are nonfinancial stakeholders,
How does a firm s decisions relat...
10  cards
Tutorial 3: How might agency costs of free cash flows be a serious problem for firms?
What are free cash flows,
Why do agency costs of fcfs pose ...,
What are the benefits drawbacks i...
7  cards
Tutorial 3:Discuss how capital structure choice could influence a firm’s bargaining with organized labor.
How could a firm s capital struct...
1  cards
Week 5: Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
What is an initial public offerin...,
What are the benefits of firms go...,
What are the costs of firms going...
11  cards
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
What is a merger,
What is an acquisition,
What is the takeover premium
9  cards
Tutorial 4:How can employee equity ownership (EEO) influence agency conflicts between managers and shareholders during a merger?
Masulis, R.W., Wang, C. and Xie, F., 2020. Employee-manager alliances and shareholder returns from acquisitions. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 55(2), pp.473-516.
3  cards
Week 7: Shareholder Activism
How is the shareholder manager pr...,
What is the main source of the sh...,
What are the 2 ways in which bloc...
6  cards
Tutorial 4:1) Firms can engage in greenwashing through their divestment strategies. Discuss.
What are the 2 motives to divest ...,
What is the evidence of firms eng...,
What are the 2 key determinants o...
5  cards
Tutorial 5:Explain the factors that influence firms’ decision to do a share buyback.
How can share buybacks positively...,
How can share buybacks negatively...
2  cards
Tutorial 5:Discuss the impact of CEO incentives on share buyback decisions.
Why are managers incentivised to ...,
What is the impact of managerial ...
2  cards
Tutorial 5:Discuss whether and by which mechanisms passive investors influence firms’ governance
How may passive investors weaken ...,
How may passive investors improve...,
What were the findings did passiv...
3  cards
Week 8: Current Issues In Corporate Finance
How does climate risk influence f...,
What are the mechanisms behind cl...,
3  cards

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advanced corporate finance

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