advanced higher biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Caitlin McCarthy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

1.Lab Safety
What is a hazard,
What is a risk,
What is a risk assessment
23  cards
1.c. Separation Techniques
What is centrifugation used to se...,
In centrifugation where will more...,
In centrifugation where less dens...
14  cards
1.The proteome
What is the proteome,
Why is it important to study the ...,
What are the genes that do not co...
56  cards
1.Cells and Proteins
What are prokaryotes cells,
What are eukaryotes,
What is a cytoskeleton
36  cards
2.Identification And Taxonomy
How could a sample be identified,
What is taxonomy,
What is classic taxonomy based on
26  cards
2.Measuring And Recording Animal Behaviour
What is frequency,
What is duration,
What is latency
9  cards
2.Drift And Selection
What is evolution,
During evolution how does changes...,
How does varaition arise
30  cards
What is evolution aevolution is t...,
What is fitness a measure of,
What does fitness refer to
8  cards
What is co evolution,
What is an example of co evolution,
What happens in co evolution
13  cards
2.Costs and Benefits of sexual and asexual reproduction
What is sexual reproduction,
What are the costs of sexual repr...,
What are the benefits of sexual r...
12  cards
2.Meiosis forms variable gametes
In diploid cells how do chromosom...,
How are homologous chromosomes th...,
How are homologous chromosomes di...
16  cards
1.Health and safety
What are the hazards is involved ...,
How should sampling be carried out,
What consideration must be given ...
10  cards
2.Sex Determination
What is a heterogametic individual,
Why are men more likely to suffer...,
What is x chromosome an activation
9  cards
What is accuracy,
What is precise,
What is validity
38  cards
3.d. Experimental design (27)
What is an independent variable,
What is a dependent variable,
What can independent and dependen...
28  cards
3.b. Reporting and Evaluating experimental data
What should a method section contain,
What should experimental design a...,
What does it mean if the experime...
8  cards
definitions for prelim
Risk assessment
230  cards
1.4 Communication and Signalling
What do multicellular organisms c...,
What are examples of signalling m...,
What are receptor molecules of ta...
5  cards
Unit 1- Laboratory techniques for biologists
What is a hazard,
What is a risk,
What reduces the risk of a hazard
52  cards
Unit 1 - Proteins
What is the proteome,
Why is the proteome larger than t...,
What are genes that do not code f...
86  cards
Unit 1 - Membrane Proteins
How are integral membrane protein...,
What do integral proteins react e...,
What are some integral membrane p...
35  cards
Unit 1 - Communication and Signalling
How do multicellular organisms si...,
What are examples of extracellula...,
What are receptor molecules of ta...
56  cards
Unit 1 - Protein control of cell division
What is the cytoskeleton,
What does the cytoskeleton consis...,
What are microtubules
42  cards
Unit 2 - Field Techniques
What are some hazards associated ...,
What is risk,
What does a risk assessment do
54  cards
Unit 2 - Evolution
What is evolution,
What are examples of non random p...,
What are examples of random proce...
46  cards
Unit 2 - Variation and Sexual Reproduction
What are the costs of sexual repr...,
What are the benefits of sexual r...,
What does genetic variation provide
45  cards
Unit 2 - Sex and Behaviour
Who has greater parental investment,
What is female investment,
What is parental investment
30  cards
Unit 2 - Parasitism
What is a ecological niche,
What is a fundamental niche,
What is a realised niche
65  cards
Unit 3 - Scientific principles and process
What is the scientific cycle,
What does the null hypothesis pro...,
What are the common methods of sh...
17  cards
Unit 3 - Experimentation
What is validity,
What is reliability,
What is accuracy
52  cards
Unit 3 - Reporting and critical evaluation of biological research
What must scientific reports contain,
What should the background inform...,
What should an abstract outline
14  cards

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advanced higher biology

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