This class was created by Brainscape user Anti Gondu. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

1 - Basic Networking
What ieee standard number covers ...,
What suffixes are used for utp ca...,
What are the ieee standard and na...
42  cards
2 - Ethernet LANs
What is the default baud rate for...,
What are the default console port...,
What are three common cli access ...
93  cards
3 - Implementing VLANs and STP
What is a vlan,
How do vlans improve security and...,
When do you need vlan trunking an...
99  cards
4 - RSTP and EtherChannel Configuration
What does the term access switch ...,
What does the term distribution s...,
What is pvst
44  cards
5 - IPv4 Subnetting Overview
What it is the network range and ...,
What is the network range and num...,
What is the network range and num...
9  cards
6 - IPv4 Routing
What is a csu dsu,
What is an sfp port,
What is a notable difference betw...
80  cards
7 - IPv4 Routing Troubleshooting
What is the difference between ic...,
What does ping use to function,
True false icmp relies on tcp and...
17  cards
8 - OSPF and Routing Protocols
What are routing protocols design...,
What is an asn,
What is the only egp in use today
75  cards
9 - Implementing OSPF
How do you enter the ospf configu...,
What command is used to configure...,
What three ways can you configure...
52  cards
10 - IPv6
What was ipv4 arp replaced with i...,
What is the prefix prefix length ...,
What is a global unicast address ...
97  cards
11 - Wireless LANs
What is the ieee number for ethernet,
What is the ieee number for wireless,
Why are 80211 wlans always half d...
107  cards
12 - IP ACLs
How many bytes in a udp header,
How many bytes in a tcp header,
What port does dns use
35  cards
13 - Security Services
What is a whaling attack,
What is a pharming attack,
What is a watering hole attack
29  cards
14 - Security Services II - Port Security
How does port security work,
What are sticky secure mac addresses,
What command is used to enable po...
29  cards
15 - Security Services III - DHCP and ARP Inspection
What 2 key things do clients use ...,
What are the 4 message types exch...,
What is a dhcp acknowledgement me...
63  cards
16 - IP Services I - Device Management and NAT
Where do log messages display to ...,
How do you tell ios to send log m...,
What does the terminal monitor co...
88  cards
17 - IP Services II - QoS
What four characteristics of netw...,
What two types of delay are there,
What is jitter
68  cards
18 - IP Services III - Miscellaneous
What are first hop redundancy pro...,
What are the 3 fhrp options,
What is vrrp
38  cards
19 - Network Architecture
What is campus lan,
What are the three switch roles i...,
What is the function of distribut...
72  cards
20 - Network Automation
0  cards
Misc - Exam A
What is the default administrativ...,
What is the default administrativ...,
What is the default administrativ...
107  cards

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