This class was created by Brainscape user Nabeeha Syed. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Il posizionamento in basso della ...,
Kussmaul sign is,
Che cosa e il fattore reumatoide
85  cards
Obstructive lung diseases NN
3 types of obstructive lung disease,
Chronic bronchitis definition,
Definition of emphysema
26  cards
Simulation 03_2023
Exam for dx of acute diverticulitis,
What is the hartmann proceduce di...,
Erenumab is a what and is used for
76  cards
Simulation 05_2023
What is the bentall operation,
First line tx of neuropathic pain is,
Systemic sclerosis consists of
50  cards
Focus cardiology
What is the crista terminalis,
What is the ligamentum arteriosum...,
What is the eustachian valve
172  cards
Simulation 07_2023
Baricity of a drug is the,
Tx for malaria,
What is turricefalia
43  cards
Simulation 09_2023
What agent reverses the anestheti...,
What is and how does anti phospho...,
Sjogrens syndrome presents with
90  cards
Obs/Gyne Focus
Define meconium,
When does meconium stained amniot...,
Preterm labor occurs btw which weeks
147  cards
Simulation 11_2023
Siadh is caused by,
Endopthalmitis is presents with i...,
What muscles are involved in poly...
87  cards
simulation 15
Ddx for vertigo,
2  cards
Vie aree superiori include,
Waldeyer ring is located where an...,
The inferior viee area start from
39  cards
Review questions/AIMS exercises
T f the left vagus nerve descends...,
When you give a blood transfusion...,
Paco2 will not increase if the fi...
205  cards
Simulation 13_2023
If pt has metastatic gastric canc...,
T f bevacizumab is not used in cl...,
Which serotonin receptor is chara...
77  cards
Simulation 17_2023
Define disinfection,
Sister mary josephs nodule kruken...,
Ficat classification
94  cards
1  cards
General surgery
Paraesophageal hiatal hernia gast...,
What is the most frequent locatio...,
At what level does colorectal can...
29  cards
Where are glucocorticoid hormones...,
What signwould you expect to be p...,
Werner morrison syndrome is trigg...
30  cards
Microbio/Malattie infettive
What are the steps involved in ba...,
How is rabies spread,
What dye is able to stain the gra...
18  cards
Final review
Aspirin acetylcistein is a x inhi...,
Dry cough dyspnea diabetes insipi...,
What is sarcoidosis
6  cards

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