🇷🇺alexander ii - russia and it's rulers ocr

This class was created by Brainscape user Imogen Kielstra. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Alexander II general information
Who are alexander s key ministers...,
Who was grand duke constantine,
Who was nikolay milyutin
7  cards
Alexander II - The Crimean War
What was alexander ii told by his...,
General traits of nicholas i,
Who did britain and france suppos...
10  cards
Alexander II- Conditions of the Serfs
How many serfs on private land,
How many state owned serfs,
What did serfs need the permissio...
11  cards
Alexander II- Why did Alexander emancipate the serfs?
What are the four main reasons as...,
Why did the loss of the crimean w...,
How many reports of peasant upris...
8  cards
Alexander II- Stages of implementation- Emancipation of the Serfs
When did alexander announce that ...,
When did alexander set up a secre...,
Who chaired the secret committee
16  cards
Alexander II- Who benefitted from the emancipation?
Who are the three groups arguably...,
How did the tsarist regime benefi...,
How did the tsarist regime fail t...
7  cards
Alexander II- impact of the emancipation
When were redemptive payments wri...,
Who controlled the land still and...,
What did nobles loose their power...
17  cards
Alexander II- Zemstva
What was the composition of the z...,
How was the zemstva elected,
What powers did the zemstva have
10  cards
Alexander II- Judicial reforms
What was the issue with the judic...,
What was the issue with police in...,
What was the issue with the diffe...
14  cards
Alexander II- Military reforms
What changes were made to enlistm...,
How much of the national budget u...,
What was the length of service re...
6  cards
Alexander II- Educational reforms
Why was there a poor standard of ...,
What was the statistical increase...,
Who was now allowed into secondar...
9  cards
Alexander II- Censorship reform
When was censorship relaxed,
What were the consequences of rel...,
What was also approved in the 1860s
4  cards
Alexander II- Financial/economic reform
What was the issue pre reform eco...,
How many miles of railway built,
What cushioned russia against the...
7  cards
Alexander II- Opposition to the rule (Marxism)
Whose ideas was said to have subs...,
What are the 5 stages of communism,
What was the issue of marx s theo...
6  cards
Alexander II- Policies post assassination attempt
When were the polish uprisings,
What did alexander do after princ...,
What did alexanders decision to s...
16  cards
Alexander- Opposition to the rule
What is meant by the populist mov...,
Who was alexander herzen and what...,
What did alexander herzen believe
19  cards

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🇷🇺alexander ii - russia and it's rulers ocr

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