This class was created by Brainscape user Gopal Ram. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Input/Output/Variables Accessed
Dfs what is the input output and ...,
Explore what is the input output ...,
Bfs what is the input output and ...
12  cards
Use Case:
Name graph algorithms that are us...,
Name graph algorithms that are us...,
Name graph algorithms that are us...
12  cards
What is the runtime of dfs runtime,
What is the runtime of explore ru...,
What is the runtime of bfs runtime
24  cards
Key Concepts
What is a dags,
What are strongly connected compo...,
What are sources
23  cards
These are all the cards combined
What is a dags,
What are strongly connected compo...,
What are sources
71  cards
Every composite number have atlea...,
Composite number with no non triv...
2  cards
Theorems fast exponentiation a wh...,
Theorems fermat s little theorem ...,
Theorems euclid s algorithm a wha...
11  cards
In rsa how is p and q chosen,
In rsa a what does e represent b ...,
In rsa a what does d represent b ...
6  cards
Mod Runtimes
Runtimes addition mod add,
Runtimes multiplication mod mul,
Runtimes division mod
7  cards
Key Concepts
What is a dags,
What are strongly connected compo...,
What are sources
35  cards
Use Case Scenario
Name graph algorithms that are us...,
Name graph algorithms that are us...,
Name graph algorithms that are us...
17  cards
Graph Runtimes
What is the runtime of dfs runtime,
What is the runtime of explore ru...,
What is the runtime of bfs runtime
26  cards
NP Complete Problems
Exam 3
2  cards
LP Problems
If the original lp is feasible an...,
If the dual lp is feasible then t...,
If the dual lp is feasible and un...
7  cards

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