This class was created by Brainscape user Megan Ganley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

2 - Reproductive Endocrinology
What is a hormone,
What are hormone receptors,
Four classes of repro hormones
46  cards
3 - Female Reproductive Tract
The female reproductive tract is ...,
In the mare the proximity of the ...,
Major components of the female re...
50  cards
4 - Female Embryogenesis
Three embryonic germ layers,
What is developed from the endoderm,
What is developed from the mesoderm
29  cards
5 - Female Endocrinology & Puberty
What cells release fsh and lh inh...,
Lh target,
Inhibin action
28  cards
6 - Estrous Cycle
Menstrual vs estrous cycle,
Estrus vs estrous,
Anestrus vs anestrous
26  cards
7 - Follicular Phase
Six primary events of the follicu...,
Slide 6,
Four processes of ovarian follicu...
20  cards
8 - LH Surge
When does oogenesis and oocyte ma...,
What occurs in the prenatal neona...,
What parts of oogenesis occur aft...
17  cards
9 - Luteal Phase
Stages of the follicular phase lu...,
After ovulation the follicle beco...,
How are cells arranged in the ch
33  cards
10 - Avian Female Reproduction
Describe egg formation broadly,
What is the germinal disk,
Why does the egg yolk have dark a...
85  cards
11 - Male Reproductive Tract
Six male reproductive organs,
Structures of the semen manufactu...,
Primary functions of the scrotum
28  cards
12 - Male Embryogenesis
What systems develop from the ect...,
What parts of the reproductive tr...,
What systems develop from the mes...
33  cards
13 - Male Endocrinology and Puberty
Source target and action of gnrh ...,
Fsh source target and action in m...,
Source target and action of lh in...
24  cards
14 - Spermatic Cord & Scrotum: Thermoregulation
Roles of scrotum and spermatic cord,
What temps does spermatogenesis n...,
Scrotum skin has what
26  cards
15 - Spermatogenesis
Goals of spermatogenesis 4,
Where does spermatogenesis occur ...,
Three phases of spermatogenesis
27  cards
16 - Sperm Structure and Function
Three sections of a sperm,
Parts of the sperm head,
What are acrosomal enzymes what i...
22  cards
17 - Accessory Sex Glands
What are accessory sex glands,
Name the four accessory sex glands,
What is the ampulla
19  cards
18 - Avian Male Reproduction
Why do waterfowl have longer phal...,
Wolffian duct develops into,
Mullerian duct regresses when reg...
21  cards
19 - Reproductive Behaviour
Difference in male vs female stag...,
Stages of male reproductive behav...,
Stages of female repro beh
25  cards
20 - Manipulating the Estrous Cycle
Advantages of controlling the est...,
Three methods of hormonal manipul...,
Progestins used in cattle
15  cards
21 - Sperm in the Female Tract
Slide 5,
Role of vagina wrt sperm,
Role of cervix wrt sperm
30  cards
22 - Early Embryogenesis & Endocrinology of Gestation
Four steps in pre attachment embr...,
What is an ootid,
What is syngamy
33  cards
23 - Extra-embryonic membranes and placentation
What is implantation attachment,
What is placentation,
What is the placenta
40  cards
24 - Avian Mating
Describe the avian mating process,
Distribution of sexual activity o...,
Describe the decline of rooster f...
19  cards
25 - Avian Fertilization & Development
Mitotic division occurs when embr...,
Fertilization and embryonic devel...,
Polyspermy in avian
15  cards
26 - Pregnancy diagnosis
Why is early pregnancy diagnosis ...,
Two pregnancy detection methods,
Absence of estrus as a pregnancy ...
15  cards
27 - Parturition and Puerperium
Three stages of parturition,
Hormones involved in pregnancy 8,
Which pregnancy hormones are rela...
21  cards
Question 1
Name the anatomical structures of...,
What is the function and embryoni...,
What is the function and embryoni...
15  cards
Question 2
Describe the hypothalamic hypophy...,
Describe the seasonality endocrin...,
Describe the hypothalamic hypophy...
5  cards
Question 3
Describe the process of oogenesis,
Describe the process of spermatog...,
Memorize diagrams
3  cards
Question 4
Describe the pre attachment embry...,
Using a canine model describe the...,
Using a canine model describe pre...
4  cards
Question 5
Explain what type of hormone mani...,
What other alternative to address...
2  cards

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an sc 312

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