This class was created by Brainscape user Anupama Adikaram. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Lecture 1: Terminology and Orientation
What are the three aspects of ana...,
What is,
Identify and describe the 3 plane...
16  cards
Lecture 4: The Skeletal System
What are the 3 main qualities tha...,
What are the multiple functions o...,
What are the classifications of b...
52  cards
Lecture 5: Joints
Classify joints in terms of funct...,
Classify joints structurally,
Define what a joint is and the re...
19  cards
Lecture 6: Bone and Muscle Tissue
What is bone tissue,
What is the function of bones in ...,
What is the main structure of bones
32  cards
Lecture 7: Embryology
What is the difference between mi...,
What is gametogenesis and what ar...,
What are the 2 phases of the mens...
22  cards
Lecture 8: Skeletal Muscles
What are the three types of muscl...,
Elaborate the process on how we move,
In the appendicular skeleton what...
49  cards
Lecture 9: Skin
What is the function of the skin,
What are the 2 main layers of the...,
What are the main cell types that...
25  cards
Lecture 10: Cardiovascular System
Where is the heart located,
Identify the main surfaces of the...,
Identify and elaborate the compon...
41  cards
Lecture 11: Blood
What is blood classified as descr...,
What is blood composed of,
What is the function of plasma
10  cards
Lecture 13: Lymphatics
What is the primary function of t...,
What is the lymphatic system comp...,
What is the function of the lymph...
20  cards
Lecture 14: Nervous System + Brain PT 1
What is the role of the nervous s...,
What are the basic functions of t...,
Organize the nervous system
23  cards
Lecture 15: Brain PT2
Where is the primary motor area l...,
What is the boca s area
24  cards
Lecture 16: Autonomic Nervous System
What layers make up the spinal me...,
Describe the anatomical features ...,
Label all important features
20  cards
Lecture 17: The Endocrine System
1  cards
Lecture 18: The Respiratory System
What is the function of the respi...,
Structurally classify the compone...,
Functionally classify the respira...
23  cards
Lecture 19 + 20: The Digestive System 1 & 2
What are the functions of the dig...,
What does food become throughout ...,
Structurally classify the main pa...
49  cards
Lecture 21: Special Senses
What ar,
What are the 2 types of senses,
What is sensation and what are th...
35  cards
Lecture 22: The Urinary System
Outline the flow of urine in the ...,
What are the main functions of th...,
Outline the anatomy of the kidney
25  cards
Lecture 23: Somatic Senses + Motor Control
0  cards
Lecture 25: Reproductive System
Group the male reproductive organ...,
What are the main muscles of the ...,
Describe the anatomy of the teste...
29  cards

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