anatomy and physiology ii

This class was created by Brainscape user Morgan Evans. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (40)

Chapter 18: Blood Powerpoint
The circulatory system consists o...,
The cardiovascular system refers ...,
Define hematology
150  cards
Lab 1 (Chapter 18)
Give some examples of what blood ...,
What is the ph range that blood m...,
Would you expect your cutaneous b...
42  cards
Chapter 19: Heart Powerpoint
The right side of the heart is kn...,
What does the pulmonary circuit do,
The left side of the heart is kno...
120  cards
Lab 2 (Chapter 19)
The heart is located in the cente...,
What is the name of the serous me...,
Recite the path of blood through ...
53  cards
Chapter 20: Blood Vessels
________________ carry blood away...,
_________ connect smallest arteri...,
Define lumen
123  cards
Lab 3 (Chapter 20)
Describe the path from the heart ...,
Describe the path from the heart ...,
What 2 arteries branch off the as...
53  cards
Chapter 18 Study Guide
What are the three main functions...,
What are the major components of ...,
What components make up blood wha...
43  cards
Chapter 20 Study Guide
Define flow define perfusion can ...,
The blood vessel walls of arterie...,
What layer is the tunica media wh...
78  cards
Chapter 19 Study Guide
The right side of the heart furni...,
The left side supplies blood to w...,
What is the pericardium the peric...
90  cards
Unit 1 Study Guides (Chapters 18-20)
The right side of the heart furni...,
The left side supplies blood to w...,
What is the pericardium the peric...
211  cards
Chapter 21: Lymphatic and Immune
List the functions of the lymphat...,
Describe how the lymphatic system...,
Describe how the lymphatic system...
197  cards
Lab 4 (Chapter 21)
What node is located in the armpit,
What node is located in the area ...,
What lymph node is located in the...
37  cards
Chapter 17: Endocrine
What are the 4 principal mechanis...,
Define gap junctions,
Neurotransmitters are released fr...
170  cards
Lab 5 (Chapter 17)
Describe the location and appeara...,
Describe the location and appeara...,
Describe the location and appeara...
59  cards
Chapter 22: Respiratory
The respiratory system consists o...,
What two systems work together to...,
What two systems collaborate to r...
193  cards
Lab 6 (Chapter 22)
Differentiate between the nasal c...,
Where is the nasopharynx,
Where is the opening of the audit...
64  cards
Chapter 21 Study Guide
What are the three main functions...,
What 4 structures make up the lym...,
How does lymph form and what s it...
64  cards
Difficult concepts Unit 2
What are the 5 classes of antibodies,
Describe igg,
Describe iga
44  cards
Chapter 17 Study Guide
What are the four principal mecha...,
The endocrine system consists of ...,
What properties does a hormone ha...
77  cards
Chapter 22 Study Guide
1 what does the respiratory syste...,
What are the 8 functions of the r...,
1 what are the principal organs o...
95  cards
Unit 2 Study Guides
What are the three main functions...,
What 4 structures make up the lym...,
How does lymph form and what s it...
236  cards
Chapter 23 (Urinary) Study Guide
What 6 principal organs make up t...,
What is different between a male ...,
Name the 8 functions of the kindeys
100  cards
Lab 7 (Chapter 23)
Define the cortex,
Define the medulla,
Define the papillae
52  cards
Chapter 24 (Fluid Balance) Study Guide
What are the three types of homeo...,
Maintaining the 3 homeostatic bal...,
1 who would have their body weigh...
49  cards
Lab 8 (Chapter 24)
We produce an average of _____lit...,
1 the average ph of urine is ____...,
What is the normal range of speci...
22  cards
Chapter 25 (Digestion) Study Guide
Why does the digestive system wor...,
What are the five stage of digest...,
1 define mechanical digestion whe...
101  cards
Lab 9 (Chapter 25)
List the 3 parts of the small int...,
1 what is the left side of the la...,
1 what is the curve between the a...
59  cards
Chapter 26 (Nutrients & Metabolism) Study Guide
1 what is the key factor that det...,
1 what percent of body weight var...,
1 what are gut brain peptides 2 w...
44  cards
Lab 10 (Chapter 26)
How are most foods we eat broken ...,
Define enzyme,
Name 2 factors that can denature ...
22  cards
Unit 3 Extra Questions
What 3 organs does secretin target,
What 2 organs do cck and secretin...,
What 3 things does cck do
55  cards
Chapter 4
Define incomplete dominance and g...,
Define codominance,
Chromosomes x and y are called __...
18  cards
Chapter 4 Study Guide
1 a phenotype that is dominant in...,
1 broad eyebrows are dominant ove...,
1 farsightedness is dominant over...
21  cards
Chapter 27: Male Reproductive System Study Guide
1 what does it mean that sexual r...,
Define gamete and zygote,
1 the male reproductive system se...
51  cards
Lab 11: Male Reproductive
Describe the location of the duct...,
What does the ejaculatory duct em...,
Where is the prostate gland
38  cards
Chapter 28: Female Reproductive System Study Guide
What are the purposes of the fema...,
1 what organs ducts are considere...,
1 the ovaries which are the femal...
46  cards
Lab 12: Female Reproductive
What does an ovary look like wher...,
What does the round ligament of t...,
1 what is the infundibulum 2 what...
45  cards
Chapter 29: Development Study Guide
1 the first 16 days after fertili...,
1 what are the names of the three...,
1 how long is the egg viable afte...
18  cards
Lab 13: Development
1 define gestation 2 what 3 thing...,
1 what happens on day 1 of the pr...,
1 what happens on days 6 14 of th...
29  cards
Guaranteed Final Exam Questions
A mother has no d rh antigens yet...,
The bicuspid valve is also known ...,
Jimmy cricket is on a new medicat...
7  cards
Random Final Prep Questions
List the 3 functions of platelets,
List the 3 hemostatic mechanisms,
1 define coagulation2 define aggl...
49  cards

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anatomy and physiology ii

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