This class was created by Brainscape user Danika Boltz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Lecture 1 1/23/24
How do equine and bovine differ i...,
How do equine and bovine differ i...,
How do equine and bovine differ
15  cards
Lecture 2 1/24/24
What is the average equine verteb...,
What is the average bovine verteb...,
How do equine cervical vertebrae ...
17  cards
Lecture 3 1/26/24
What are the characteristics of t...,
Why is the rolling of the trachea...,
What are the characteristics of t...
14  cards
Lecture 4 1/31/24
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the characteristics of t...,
How does the coronary vessels of ...
22  cards
Lecture 5 2/5/24
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the characteristics of t...,
What is the flank
21  cards
Lecture 6 2/7/24
What is the band and sacculation ...,
What is the band and sacculation ...,
What is the band and sacculation ...
23  cards
Lecture 7 2/13/24
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the characteristics of t...,
Which arteries to the penis branc...
23  cards
Lecture 8 2/14/24
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the characteristics of t...
16  cards
Lecture 9 2/15/24
What are the branches,
What does the splenic a turn into,
What does the left gastric a supply
18  cards
Lecture 10 2/15/24
What are the characteristics of t...,
How do the kidney shapes differ b...,
What are the characteristics of t...
5  cards
Lecture 11 2/16/24
Which muscles make up the lateral...,
Which structure is associated wit...,
What are the three patellar ligam...
21  cards
Lecture 12 2/16/24
Where does the omohyoideus m run,
What are the characteristics of t...,
Which accessory structure is asso...
13  cards
Lecture 13 2/21/24
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the characteristics of t...
13  cards
Lecture 14 2/21/24
Where do the common digital exten...,
Where does the lateral digital ex...,
What are the characteristics of t...
17  cards
Lecture 15 3/6/24
Where is the main blood supply fo...,
What is the primary blood supply ...,
Why is it important that the ceph...
28  cards
Lecture 16 3/8/24
What are the functions of the pas...,
What are the osseous components o...,
Which aspects of the humerus are ...
18  cards
Lecture 17 3/18/24
Which epidermal structures are pr...,
What are the four regions of the ...,
What are the stratum layers of th...
18  cards
Lecture 18 3/20/24
What is the nuchal crest,
When is the nuchal crest most pro...,
Where is the rostral process of t...
40  cards
Lecture 19 3/25/24
What classification is given to p...,
What are the general characterist...,
What are the components of an inc...
20  cards
Tooth Eruption
When does di 1 erupt,
When does di 2 erupt,
When does di 3 erupt
22  cards
Lecture 20 4/3/24
What are the four compartments of...,
What are the characteristics of t...,
Which structure ventrally separat...
33  cards
Lecture 21 4/5/24
Which flexures are present in the...,
What affect does the rumen have o...,
Where is the majority of the jeju...
22  cards
Lecture 22 4/8/24
What order and suborder applies t...,
Which camelids fall under the old...,
What are the general characterist...
12  cards

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anatomy ii

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