anatomy muscle tables

This class was created by Brainscape user Steph Morton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Trapezius insertion,
Trapezius origin,
Trapezius innervation
28  cards
Deltoid insertion,
Deltoid origin,
Deltoid innervation
36  cards
Anterior Forearm
Pronator teres origin,
Flexor carpi radialis origin,
Palmaris longus origin
32  cards
Biceps brachii origin,
Coracobrachialis origin,
Brachialis origin
16  cards
Flexor pollicis brevis origin,
Abductor pollicis brevis origin,
Opponens pollicis origin
40  cards
Posterior Forearm
Brachioradialis origin,
Extensor carpi radialis longus or...,
Extensor carpi radialis brevis or...
44  cards
Obturator internus origin,
Piriformis origin,
Levator ani origin
16  cards
External intercostals origin,
Internal intercostals origin,
Innermost intercostals origin
20  cards
Rectus abdominis origin,
External oblique origin,
Internal oblique origin
32  cards
Sartorius insertion,
Sartorius origin,
Sartorius innervation
56  cards
Gluetal Region
Tensor fasciae latae insertion,
Tensor fasciae latae origin,
Tensor fasciae latae innervation
32  cards
Tibialis anterior insertion,
Tibialis anterior origin,
Tibialis anterior innervation
48  cards
Scm insertion,
Scm origin,
Scm innervation
52  cards
Mastication, Palate, Tongue
Temporalis insertion,
Temporalis origin,
Temporalis innervation
52  cards
Superior constrictor insertion,
Superior constrictor origin,
Superior constrictor innervation
24  cards
Cricothyroid origin,
Cricothyroid insertion,
Cricothyroid innervation
28  cards

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anatomy muscle tables

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