This class was created by Brainscape user Aoife O'Connor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Introduction to the brain, neurone and overview of the nervous system and development & structure of the CNS
What are the main functions of th...,
What are the 2 main cell types in...,
Describe the structure of a neuron
39  cards
brain & spinal cord
What are the 3 major divisions of...,
What are gyri vs sulci,
What are fissures in the brain
42  cards
hyoid bone, superficial neck triangles and scalp
What is the hyoid bone,
What are the different parts of t...,
What are the 2 groups of hyoid mu...
42  cards
facial skeleton
What is the posterior nares choanae,
What does the zygomatic arch sepa...,
What is the temporal fossa
27  cards
What are the 5 regions of the ver...,
Which vertabrae are fused to form...,
What are the structural differenc...
52  cards
stroke pathology
What is a stroke,
Describe the frequency of strokes...,
What are examples of risk factors...
22  cards
neuromuscular disease pathology
Describe the scale for muscle wea...,
Describe different weakness patterns,
What are muscle fasciculations
24  cards
L5 carotid sheath and blood supply to head
Recap what are the contents of th...,
What is farabeuf s triangle ie wh...,
What is the carotid sheath
34  cards
motor pathways
What are descending tracts,
What 2 groups are the motor tract...,
What are pyramidal tracts
43  cards
spinal chord nerves, tracts
What are the 5 regions of paired ...,
What can neurons nerves within th...,
What do the anterior roots vs the...
58  cards
consciousness, unconsciousness and sleep
What is consciousness,
What is sleep,
What is a coma
36  cards
cranial nerves
What are the cranial nerves,
Where do the cranial nerves emerg...,
What are the 2 main origins of cr...
46  cards
cranial nerves VII-XII
What are the 2 main origins of th...,
Where do cranial nerve 1 and 2 or...,
Recap where does the oculomotor n...
38  cards
scalp, face, parotid
What are the layers of the scalp ...,
What is located within the dense ...,
What muscle of facial expression ...
27  cards
osteology, cranial fossa, meninges, sinuses & intracranial bleeds
What are the 2 key parts of the s...,
What bones does the neurocranium ...,
What is the function of the neuro...
59  cards
Forebrain, third ventricle & related structures & cortex
What are the major functional reg...,
What does the frontal lobe contain,
What does the parietal lobe contain
32  cards
cerebellum & basal ganglia
Describe the structural anatomy o...,
What are the 3 lobes of the cereb...,
Describe the functions of the cer...
37  cards
brain blood vessels - blood supply to the CNS & intracerebral bleeds
What 2 paired arteries are respon...,
Which artery is the vertebral art...,
What artery is the internal carot...
39  cards
spinal reflexes
What is a reflex,
What is an example of an everyday...,
What is a monosynaptic reflex
41  cards
Temple, infratemporal fossa, TMJ and submandibular gland
What are the main divisions of th...,
What is the point at which the ra...,
What are the 2 subparts of the bo...
59  cards
synaptic excitation and inhibition: epilepsy
What is the major excitatory nt i...,
What is the major inhibitory nt i...,
What antagonists trigger seizures
24  cards
neurodegenerative diseases
What are neurodegenerative disorders,
What is dementia,
What anatomical changes happen to...
26  cards
CSF, BBB and intracranial pressure
Where is csf found in the cns,
What are the functions of csf,
What is csf formed by
25  cards
Auditory and vestibular system
What is sound,
What is the function of the outer...,
What is the function of the middl...
42  cards
limbic system & hypothalamus
What are examples of the anatomic...,
What is the limbic system,
What is the hippocampus
23  cards
mechanisms of pain perception
What is pain,
What are the 3 components of pain...,
Describe the duration characteris...
35  cards
optic pathways
What physiological mechs protect ...,
What artery mainly supplies the eye,
What are the 3 layers of the eye
23  cards
sensory receptor pathways
What are the 3 main types of sens...,
Describe somatosensory receptors,
Describe special senses receptors
16  cards

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anatomy - neuro

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