anatomy & physiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Darcy James. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Bone structure 19
Describe and name types of long b...,
Describe and name types of short ...,
Describe and name types of flat b...
34  cards
Bone formation & Repair 20
What are the 4 principal situatio...,
What are the 2 bone formation mec...,
Explain intramembranous ossification
26  cards
Anatomical terms 2
What is the directional term for ...,
What is the directional term for ...,
What is the directional term s fo...
24  cards
Cell structure and function 3
What is included in al structures...,
The plasma cell membrane contains,
What colour is cholesterol in the...
41  cards
Protein synthesis 4
Protein synthesis has 2 steps wha...,
What are the steps of protein syn...,
Describe transcription
8  cards
The cell cycle 5
What is the interphase,
What is the mitotic phase,
How many phases is the mitotic phase
11  cards
Axial Skeleton 21
What are the 2 divisions of the s...,
How many bones are around the bod...,
How many bones are there of upper...
30  cards
Appendicular skeleton 22
What makes up the appendicular sk...,
What is the function of the pecto...,
What are the set of bones include...
18  cards
Epithelial tissue
What are the 4 basic tissue types,
What is the definition of tissue,
What are epithelial cells epithel...
21  cards
Connective tissue 7
What tissue type is the most abun...,
Is connective tissue made up of c...,
There are 5 types of connective t...
21  cards
The Nervous system, tissue and transmission 10,11,12
What is the function of sensory r...,
What is the function of inter neu...,
What is the function of motor act...
42  cards
Joints 23
Explain what joints are,
What are joints supported by,
What are the different classified...
28  cards
Endocrine system 24
What body systems work together t...,
What cells does the endocrine sys...,
What does the endocrine system ch...
17  cards
hormones 25
What are the two chemical classes...,
What kind of hormones of lipid so...,
What kind of hormones are water s...
15  cards
Hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal 26
Hypothalamic nerve cells synthesi...,
Pituitary endocrine nerve cells s...,
What do both hypothalamus and pit...
34  cards
Thyroid and parathyroid glands 27
Where is the thyroid gland located,
What is secreted by follicular ce...,
What do t3 and t4 increase
9  cards
Pancreas 28
What does the pancreas look like,
Pancreas is an exocrine organ inv...,
Where can endocrine cells be found
11  cards
Adrenal glands and gonads 29
Where are adrenal glands found,
What are the adrenal glands made ...,
There are 3 zones in the cortex 3...
14  cards
Integumentary system 8 & 9
What parts of the body does the i...,
What are the 2 main parts in the ...,
What is deep dermis referred as i...
54  cards
The brain 13
What does the brains blood supply...,
The brains blood supply is protec...,
What creates the brains blood supply
29  cards
the spinal chord 14
Are the spinal cord meninges cont...,
What kind of cavity is the spinal...,
The spinal cord is wrapped in men...
26  cards
What are the components of the up...,
What are the components of the lo...,
What is the most superior part of...
34  cards
regulation of respiration
What two parts of the brain stem ...,
What areas in the pons are part o...,
What areas in the medulla oblonga...
12  cards
urinary systems and components 1
What are the components are the u...,
What is nephrology,
What is urology
28  cards
urine formation 2
What are the 3 basic processes of...,
What produces glomerular filtrate,
What 3 pressure does glomerular f...
29  cards
urinary system indicators of health & disease 3
How is absorbed water returned to...,
What does concentrated urine depe...,
In vasa recta looping capillary w...
37  cards
the autonomic nervous system
What system autonomic or somatic ...,
What does the autonomic sensory s...,
What does the autonomic motor con...
19  cards
What are the 5 muscle functions,
Muscle includes what parts in the...,
What is muscle skeletal wrapped in
7  cards

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anatomy & physiology

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